Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
I finished … my homework and I went to the cinema.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
My sister enjoys … the piano.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
I need … computer code because I want to create my own website.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
My friend wanted … a laptop, but they were too expensive.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
Jack doesn’t mind … for exams, but Ronnie hates it.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
… for 7-8 hours a night helps you stay healthy.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
Anna needs … some new trainers.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
I missed … you at the party.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
My brother decided … maths at university.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
She doesn’t mind … early at the weekend.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
… friends isn’t always easy.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
My friends enjoy … their blogs.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
We finished … the film and then we watched it.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
My friend decided … new shoes.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
I helped her by … her books.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
One day, I hope … a doctor.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
Everyone loves … presents!
I’m thinking of … a new poster.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
I’m really afraid of … my phone. I use it for everything.
Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.
Sara prefers … the film online to going to the cinema.
Match the sentence halves.
I tried …
My sister hopes …
Jay’s worried about …
I forgot to ______ the file and lost all my homework.
We ________ a great new film onto my computer. We are going to watch it tonight.
I _______ my friend singing a song and sent it to other friends.
The _____ of this site is very easy to use.
I usually find the information I need when I _______ for it online.
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