We went to the new ______ to watch an international football match.
In the city centre there is a beautiful ______ . The king lives there.
There are several famous paintings in this _________ .
This _______ is a new building. It has 110 floors and there's a restaurant on the 100th floor.
When we were on holiday in Turkey, we visited a famous _________ .
I love _________ because I like to see all the actors singing and dancing.
Have you seen the new ______ with Steve Carell? It is so funny!
My brother loves watching __________ films but I don't enjoy being scared.
I know I'm an adult but I still enjoy watching _______ films, they're fun.
I like _________ films where one person has to solve a lot of problems to save their town, country or even the world.
What do you think of _________ like Bird Box and A Quiet Place? Did they scare you?
Sarah really doesn't enjoy __________ so don't take her to see a film about space.
My mum loves watching _________ set in the past, about the lives of the rich and poor, so I've seen all the series like Downton Abbey.
I have two sisters.______ of them are older than me.
Let's look at the map to see where ___ nearest park is.
That cake was delicious! Can I have __________ piece, please?
__________ of the museums are closed on Mondays, so we can't visit them.
One of my best friends plays the guitar and the ______ one plays the drums.
I hope you have _________ great time in Barcelona.
I went to London for first time last summer.
You've already got a mobile phone. Why do you need _______ one.
I'm pleased because we don't have ______ homework today.
There's _________ food at home so we don't need to go shopping.
There aren't _________ people here.
I enjoy watching films _______ make you think.
Do you know the boy__________ is talking to Anna?
You said ______ you wanted to go to the cinema.
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