Present Perfect Questions

Додано: 15 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 48 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

In Present perfect questions have/has come _________ the subject (I/you/we/they/he/she/it)

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in the middle

at the beggining

Запитання 2

We use contraction with have and has in the

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Запитання 3

___your mother____  the lottery ? (-)

варіанти відповідей

Has you mother ever win the lottery?-Yes, she has.

Have you mother ever won the lottery?-No, she hasn't.

Has you mother ever win the lottery?-No, she has.

Has you mother ever won the lottery?-No, she hasn't.

Запитання 4

_____ Mary _______in Spain? (+)

варіанти відповідей

Has Mary ever been in Spain? - Yes, she been.

Has Mary ever was in Spain? - Yes, she was.

Has Mary ever been in Spain? - Yes, she have been.

Has Mary ever been in Spain? - Yes, she has.

Запитання 5

_____ me and my brother ______the the desert? (-)

варіанти відповідей

Has me and my brother ever gone to the desert? - No, they haven't.

Have me and my brother ever gone to the desert? - No, we haven't.

Has me and my brother ever go to the desert? - No, they haven't.

Have me and my brother ever go to the desert? - No, we haven't.

Запитання 6

________ your sister _____ in a tent? (+)

варіанти відповідей

Has your sister ever slept in a tent? - Yes, she has.

Has your sister ever sleep in a tent? - Yes, she has.

Has your sister ever sleeped in a tent? - Yes, she has.

Has your sister ever slept in a tent? - Yes, she slept.

Запитання 7

____your parents____ Chinese food? (+)

варіанти відповідей

Has your parents ever eaten Chinise food? - Yes, they have.

Have your parents ever eatten Chinise food? - Yes, they have.

Have your parents ever eaten Chinise food? - Yes, they have.

Has your parents ever ate Chinise food? - Yes, they have.

Запитання 8

_____you _____your friend about the party? -(+)

варіанти відповідей

Have you ever told your friend about the party? - Yes, I have.

Have you ever tell your friend about the party? - Yes, I have.

Has you ever told your friend about the party? - Yes, I have.

Have you told ever your friend about the party? - Yes, I have.

Запитання 9

_________they ______ in the ocean?(-)

варіанти відповідей

Have they ever swum in the ocean? - No, they haven't.

Have they ever swim in the ocean? - No, they haven't.

Have they ever swam in the ocean? - No, they haven't.

Has they ever swum in the ocean? - No, they haven't.

Запитання 10

_________your friend________in a sportsteam? (+)

варіанти відповідей

Has your friend ever play in a sportsteam? -Yes, he has.

Has your friend ever played in a sportsteam? -Yes, he has.

Has your friend ever played in a sportsteam? -Yes, he have.

Have your friend ever play in a sportsteam? -Yes, he has.

Запитання 11

_____ your classmate _______ a bad mark? (+)

варіанти відповідей

Has your classmate ever got a bad mark? - Yes, she have.

Has your classmate ever get a bad mark? - Yes, she has.

Has your classmate ever got a bad mark? - Yes, she has.

Have your classmate ever got a bad mark? - Yes, she has.

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