Grammar. Present Simple, Present Continuous | generalised test

Додано: 18 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 98 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct insert words using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

You ____ for a new microwave.

варіанти відповідей


are looking

are being looking

Запитання 2

He ____ a jar of chocolate paste as a spice pot in a year.

варіанти відповідей


is using

is going to use

Запитання 3

The flower ___ like vanilla.

варіанти відповідей


is smelling

Запитання 4

When ___ ?

варіанти відповідей

he usually do wait for smth

does he usually wait for smth

is he usually waiting for smth

Запитання 5

I ___ our conference open.

варіанти відповідей

am declaring


Запитання 6

Choose the correct insert words using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Now look: I ____ a turkey, ___ it away, ___ a carrot, ___ it, ___ it into small pieces, ___ all the ingredients with butter and ___ it on a frying pan.

варіанти відповідей

carve, put, take, peel, cut, dredge, put

am carving, putting, taking, peeling, cutting, dredging, putting

Запитання 7

Choose the correct insert words using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) Who ___ this neighbourhood ___ to?

2) You've convinced me. It ___ like a great idea, I ___ it.

3) I ____ everything about him.

4) Linda ____ in providing the highest quality standards.

5) I ___ you ___ to make him ___ happy.

6) This contest ____ last one, but the updated version ___ group works.

варіанти відповідей

does, belong; sounds, accept; detest; doesn't believe; wish, wanted, feel; resembles, contains

do, belongs; sound, accept; detesting; doesn't believe; wish, want, feels; resemble

does, belong; sound, accept; detest; doesn't believe; wish, want, feel; resembles to, contains

Запитання 8

Choose the correct insert words using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Mary ___ ___ a dinner and she is satisfied with the work done.

I ____ from home during this first quarantine weeks.

варіанти відповідей

has the cooking finishing; work

finishes cooking; 'm working

's finishing cooking; work

Запитання 9

Answer the question, what is the odd-one?

We use Present Simple only to indicate the: {...} but not for the:

1) regular, habitable, repetitive actions;

2) action in the present in the broad sense of the word (not necessarily at the moment of speech);

3) annoing habits, news;

4) well-known facts, laws;

5) indications for the future tense (if a certain schedule or action plan is meant, as well as in subordinate clauses of time and conditions);

6) past time in headlines, newspapers and in storytelling;

7) subordinate clauses with when, if, unless, in case, as long as, while etc.

варіанти відповідей








Запитання 10

Answer the question, what is the odd-one?

We use Present Continuous only to indicate the: {...} but not for the:

1) illustrating the action that is happening now, at the moment of speech;

2) with words: need, depend, weigh, astonish, impress, surprise;

3) with words: change, become, get, rise, fall, grow, improve, begin, start;

4) future plans and arrangements;

5) unusual behavior;

6) annoing habits, news;

7) temporary situations.

варіанти відповідей








Запитання 11

Choose the correct insert words using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) You know that standing gossip: Bob ___ ___ a television in a backroom after his shift!

2) They ___ for us neer the door ___ the Christmas tree decorations.

3) Mr. Scott ___ German to Ann, then they'll switch to practicing Swedish.

4) Where ___ from? — Poland.

варіанти відповідей

from this moment, 's watching; are waiting, to bestow; is speaking; you do think is he

now, watches; wait, bestowing; is speaking; are you thinking is he

usually, watches; are waiting, to bestow; is speaking; you're thinking he is

from this moment, watches; are waiting, bestowing; is speaking; do you think he is

usually, watches; are waiting, to bestow; is speaking; do you think he is

Запитання 12

To replace in a correct way:

варіанти відповідей

He stops at the list of documents and, without raising his head, mutters to himself the items as a commandment, tapping the pen – he clearly knows that the calendar work is planned incorrectly.

He is stopping at the list of documents and, not raising his head, muttering to himself the items as a commandment, tapping the pen – he clearly knows that the calendar work plans incorrectly.

He stops at the list of documents and, without raisings his head, mutters to himself the items such as a commandment, tapping the pen – he clearly knows that the calendar work is planned incorrectly.

He stops at the list of documents and, without raising his head, mutters to himself the items as a commandment, tapping the pen —he clearly knows that the calendar work is planned incorrectly.

Запитання 13

To check:

Present Simple:

Affirmative: S+V(III -s,-es).

Negative: S+don't/doesn't+V.

Interrogative: Do/Does+S+V?

Present Continuous:

Affirmative: Soon+S+to be+V-ing.

Negative: Soon+S+to be+V-ing.

Interrogative: To be+S+soon+V-ing?

варіанти відповідей

All right

Not everything is right

Запитання 14

Choose the correct insert words using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1) He told me his name, but I ____ it.

2) I don't like my lodger. He ___ so rude to me.

3) I just can’t understand why he ___ so rude. He isn’t usually like that.

4) Oh, please! Stop repeating it again and again! I __ it already.

5) I hate it if people ___ me when I ___.

6) Can you hear their dialogue? What __ they ___ ?

варіанти відповідей

don't remember; is being; is; am knowed; are interrupting, speaking; are, saying

don't remember; is; is; know; are interrupting, speak to them; are, saying

don't remember; is; is being; know; interrupt, am speaking; are, saying

am not remembering; is being; is being; know; interrupts, am speaking; are, saying

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