She arrived too late, ...?
Henry and Juliet have just arrived,...?
You like chocolate very much,...?
He has never been to London,...?
Let´s play badminton together,....?
I am a good reader,...?
And you are angry now,...?
They won´t pay me,...?
You should go to Denali National Park,...?
This novel is about legendary Marusia Churay,...?
You want me to wash your car,...?
You won´t do anything stupid,...?
Choose the correct variant of the word `гуртожиток`
Choose the correct variant of the word `оснащення, обладнання`
Choose the correct variant of the word `директорка школи`
Choose the correct variant of the word `школа-пансіонат`
Choose the correct variant of the word `різниця`
Choose the correct variant of the word `записувати на диск, касету`
Choose the correct variant of the word `приватна платна школа`
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