Read the text below. Choose the name of paragraphs and write them. There are three choices you do not need to use.

Додано: 20 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 70 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

You’re Amazing, So Make Sure People Know It

When it comes to telling the world how wonderful you are, there’s a fine line between having other people think, ‘Wow! She’s

got so much more about her than I thought’ and ‘Blimey! I wish she’d shut up about herself’. It’s easy enough to let everyone

around you know you’re something special – the trick is doing it without trying too hard or looking like an attention seeker. So

here’s how to get the attention you deserve without screaming, ‘Look at me!’ 


Being loud isn’t a good way to get noticed. Quietness and a smile can be more interesting than someone who blurts everything

out constantly. Be cool instead, and show people what you’re really about, rather than shouting it in their faces. 

варіанти відповідей

We are talented! 

Accept yourself for what you are. 

Don’t pretend you know everything. 

Idle talk is a bad habit. 

Try to act in good faith. 

Don’t talk behind people’s back. 

Keep your voice down. 

Be original.

Запитання 2


It may be tempting to try to bluff your way through a conversation. But if you don’t know much about the subject being discussed,

you’ll get more kudos if you shut up and listen. You can’t lose – get your facts right and people will respect your wisdom, or stay

quiet if you’re unsure and people will appreciate your honesty. 

варіанти відповідей

We are talented! 

Accept yourself for what you are. 

Don’t pretend you know everything. 

Idle talk is a bad habit. 

Try to act in good faith. 

Don’t talk behind people’s back. 

Keep your voice down. 

Be original.

Запитання 3


Toning down your gossip factor will show there’s much more to you than people may think. Your mates will trust you and your

reputation will sky-rocket. Gossiping gives negative vibes to other people. 

варіанти відповідей

We are talented! 

B Accept yourself for what you are. 

C Don’t pretend you know everything. 

D Idle talk is a bad habit. 

E Try to act in good faith. 

F Don’t talk behind people’s back. 

G Keep your voice down. 

H Be original.

Запитання 4


Choose things to do that you love doing and not because everyone else is doing them. If you are passionate about something,

and enjoying it, you’ll have more energy and people will be attracted to you – and you might even be the person who starts a

new trend.

варіанти відповідей

A We are talented! 

B Accept yourself for what you are. 

C Don’t pretend you know everything. 

D Idle talk is a bad habit. 

E Try to act in good faith. 

F Don’t talk behind people’s back. 

G Keep your voice down. 

H Be original.

Запитання 5


We may not be superhuman beings, but remember, each and every one of us has something going on that’s worth shouting about.

It’s a fact – everyone is an individual and that’s what makes you who you are. Be proud of why you’re different. If you love who you

are, people are more likely to love you too.

варіанти відповідей

A We are talented! 

B Accept yourself for what you are. 

C Don’t pretend you know everything. 

D Idle talk is a bad habit. 

E Try to act in good faith. 

F Don’t talk behind people’s back. 

G Keep your voice down. 

H Be original.


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