Reading 1.3 (Fill in)

Додано: 27 квітня 2020
Тест виконано: 39 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

The importance of reading in any language,  … , has long been discussed and proved in numerous investigations. Regular reading either in the mother tongue or a second or foreign language has positive influence not only on language learning progress, but it also fosters the development of learner’s personality and has a significant effect on children’s literacy as a whole.

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варіанти відповідей

is able to solve both psychological and educational problems

which a person tends to acquire

development of personality is hardly ever able through the reading

children’s literacy depends on a foreign language acquisition

Запитання 2

The extensive reading, … , is a supplementary activity which aims to entertain, amuse and enjoy the reader. To achieve the goal this form of reading should engage real-life topics and problems directly related to the child, and to what that child believes to be important. The language of the EFL readers should be understandable enough, or even one level higher learners’ linguistic competence that will induce the learner to use the textual context thoughtfully.


Choose the correct item to fill in the spare place:

варіанти відповідей

which is similar to intensive reading in class

as the opposition to intensive reading in class

like reading stories related to children’s interests

what the child believes to be important

Запитання 3

Extensive reading should be not only comprehensible, … . Researchers outline the following conditions for organizing successful reading practice: an initial pleasant reading experience; access to interesting reading material; time and place to read regularly; the freedom to select own reading; no tests, no workbook exercises and no rewards for reading.


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варіанти відповідей

but also compelling or highly interesting

the child should have a chance to choose the book himself / herself

you must control the reading comprehension with special tasks

the child should enjoy book he / she reads

Запитання 4

There is still a problem with the access to reading materials of high quality in the vast majority of the Ukrainian schools, let alone the possibility to make personal choice of the book. Both school libraries and English classrooms, especially those located in rural area, experience deficiency of modern and age-graded resources. Somewhat better state of affairs can be observed in urban specialized schools,  … .


Choose the correct item to fill in the spare place:

варіанти відповідей

it is easier to get English readers

it is a problem for Ukrainian kids to get access to English readers

it is up to parents to supply their children with foreign language readers

where the EFL readers are provided exclusively at the expense of students’ parents

Запитання 5

Learners should be supplied with books, which they need to create interest and stimulate the desire to read, and …. , it is the responsibility of a teacher to generate them. Indeed, the fact that reluctant readers are mostly children with little access to books has been acknowledged by a number of researchers.



Choose the correct item to fill in the spare place:

варіанти відповідей

it is not the teacher’s duty to supply the students with books

reluctant readers are those who do not want to read

researchers believe that it is crucial to provide kids with readers

in case there is a lack of such materials 

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