
Додано: 29 липня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 214 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

My Job at a Summer Camp, by Charlie Rose

Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the children do things they never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids know how to swim and play table-tennis before they come, but things like rock climbing are new experiences for most. Some of them are very nervous, but after a bit of encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to the top in the end, which makes them feel great.

The kids stay several weeks and some do miss home. You might expect it to be the really young ones who feel like that the most but it’s actually the ten- to thirteen-year-olds. We don’t let them use their mobile phones all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then when they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone and suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at the end of their stay, it’s amazing how many come and thanks us because they have had a great time.

It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents who are on the phone the whole time, asking how their child is getting on, which is quite unnecessary. Often their son or daughter will be busy, playing games or doing something else, so we have to tell parents to ring back another time.

Some kids arrive dressed in smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell them to change into something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they realise what we mean.

1 What is the writer trying to do in this text?

варіанти відповідей

describe how children make friends at a summer camp

suggest how parents should choose a summer camp for children

explain what it is like for children at a summer camp

 advise children how to behave at a summer camp

Запитання 2

2. What does the writer say about rock climbing at the camp?

варіанти відповідей

Some children already know how to do it.

 Some children prefer to swim or play table-tennis.

 Some children refuse to take part

 Some children find it more enjoyable than they expected to.

Запитання 3

3.What surprises the writer about the children who stay at the camp?

варіанти відповідей

The youngest ones find it hard to be away from home

 They complain if they cannot phone their parents

They miss meal times with their parents.

 They seem grateful for their experience here.

Запитання 4

4. What does the writer think about some parents?

варіанти відповідей

They should visit their children instead of phoning them.

 They don't need to keep on phoning the camp.

They shouldn't allow their children to bring phones to camp.

They need to be reminded to phone their children.

Запитання 5

5. Which postcard might a child at the camp send home?

варіанти відповідей

I was annoyed when they

suggested I put on old

jeans, but I guess they

were right.

It's so unfair that everyone

else can use their

mobile phone, but they

won't let me use mine.

I've made some good

friends but we're all

bored because there

isn’t much to do here.

I was really frightened

every time we went rock

climbing, so they let me

do something else instead

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