
Додано: 8 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
11 запитань
Запитання 1

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

David Smith is… years old

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Запитання 2

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

He goes to his school by….     

варіанти відповідей

a train

a car

a school bus

Запитання 3

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

He usually has… lessons a day

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Запитання 4

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

At… o’clock David comes back from school.

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Запитання 5

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

David Smith is …... boy.

варіанти відповідей

an English

a Ukrainian

Запитання 6

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

His school is in… 

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Запитання 7

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

David Smith is a Ukrainian school boy.

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Запитання 8

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

David lives with his aunt in a little town.

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Запитання 9

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

David always has dinner at school.

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Запитання 10

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

He plays with his friends, watches TV or plays computer games.

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Запитання 11

  David Smith is an English schoolboy. He is eleven years old and he is a pupil of St. Patrick School in London.

  David lives with his father and mother in a little town of Greenwich not far from London.

  His address is 21, Green Street.

  David's school is far from his house, so he goes to his school by a school bus. David Smith is a first-year pupil of a secondary school. His lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning. He usually has seven lessons a day: four lessons before dinner and three lessons in the afternoon, after dinner. David always has dinner at school, but some pupils of his class go home to have dinner during a big break.

  At five o'clock David comes back from school. He has a rest. He plays with his friends, reads books or plays computer games. David has his supper with the family at six or seven o'clock in the evening. He goes to bed at ten o'clock. Before going to bed he usually has tea with a piece of cake. 

Choose the best heading from the list for the text. 

варіанти відповідей

David’s School

An English Schoolboy

The Boy’s Family

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