
Додано: 27 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space


There are two choices you do not need to use. Rocking the Cosmos Dr. Brian May is an astrophysicist; (1) ____________ and eventually earned his doctorate there. He went on to write a book about the history of the universe and become chancellor of John Moore’s University in Liverpool. That’s a quick view of Dr. May’s resume. But it does leave one thing out. Although he began studying for his degree in the early 1970s, (2) ____________. Something came up, you might say, and sidetracked him for thirty-five years. The man who loved studying stars became a star himself. When he wasn’t studying astrophysics, Brian played the guitar. And his band was getting so busy that (3) ____________. The band was called Smile, until (4) _____________ Queen. Bulsara changed his name to Freddie Mercury, Brian May left his studies behind to go on tour, and (5) ____________. May says his physics training helped him with his music career. It came in handy, for instance, when (6) _____________. In an age before digital, he was able to make the calculations necessary to create the sound of thousands of people stomping and clapping with no echo whatsoever. As a result, Brain May can claim the distinction of being the only astrophysicist in the world ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

варіанти відповідей

Queen were one of the biggest stadium rock bands in the world 

he studied math and physics at Imperial College in London 

he was designing the “stomp, stomp, clap” section of “We Will Rock You”

he had to make a choice between school and his music

Запитання 2

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space


There are two choices you do not need to use. Rocking the Cosmos Dr. Brian May is an astrophysicist; (1) ____________ and eventually earned his doctorate there. He went on to write a book about the history of the universe and become chancellor of John Moore’s University in Liverpool. That’s a quick view of Dr. May’s resume. But it does leave one thing out. Although he began studying for his degree in the early 1970s, (2) ____________. Something came up, you might say, and sidetracked him for thirty-five years. The man who loved studying stars became a star himself. When he wasn’t studying astrophysics, Brian played the guitar. And his band was getting so busy that (3) ____________. The band was called Smile, until (4) _____________ Queen. Bulsara changed his name to Freddie Mercury, Brian May left his studies behind to go on tour, and (5) ____________. May says his physics training helped him with his music career. It came in handy, for instance, when (6) _____________. In an age before digital, he was able to make the calculations necessary to create the sound of thousands of people stomping and clapping with no echo whatsoever. As a result, Brain May can claim the distinction of being the only astrophysicist in the world ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

варіанти відповідей

Farrokh Bulsara was a singer, songwriter, and lead vocalist 

lead singer Farrokh Bulsara suggested a different name

he didn’t manage to earn it until 2007

Queen were one of the biggest stadium rock bands in the world 

Запитання 3

 Something came up, you might say, and sidetracked him for thirty-five years. The man who loved studying stars became a star himself. When he wasn’t studying astrophysics, Brian played the guitar. And his band was getting so busy that (3) ____________. 

варіанти відповідей

he had to make a choice between school and his music

Farrokh Bulsara was a singer, songwriter, and lead vocalist 

he was designing the “stomp, stomp, clap” section of “We Will Rock You”

Queen went on to become one of the biggest music acts of all time

Запитання 4

The band was called Smile, until (4) _____________ Queen. 

варіанти відповідей

he didn’t manage to earn it until 2007

Queen were one of the biggest stadium rock bands in the world 

he studied math and physics at Imperial College in London 

lead singer Farrokh Bulsara suggested a different name

Запитання 5

Bulsara changed his name to Freddie Mercury, Brian May left his studies behind to go on tour, and (5) ____________. May says his physics training helped him with his music career. 

варіанти відповідей

C he was designing the “stomp, stomp, clap” section of “We Will Rock You”

Queen went on to become one of the biggest music acts of all time

he didn’t manage to earn it until 2007

Queen were one of the biggest stadium rock bands in the world 

Запитання 6

May says his physics training helped him with his music career. It came in handy, for instance, when (6) _____________. In an age before digital, he was able to make the calculations necessary to create the sound of thousands of people stomping and clapping with no echo whatsoever. As a result, Brain May can claim the distinction of being the only astrophysicist in the world ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

варіанти відповідей

he had to make a choice between school and his music


Farrokh Bulsara was a singer, songwriter, and lead vocalist

he was designing the “stomp, stomp, clap” section of “We Will Rock You”

Queen went on to become one of the biggest music acts of all time

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