Reading 4 Form

Додано: 30 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading 4 Form
Тест виконано: 166 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and mark the correct picture.

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



варіанти відповідей
Запитання 2

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



Read the text and mark the sentences as "True" (+) or "False" (-).

(Вкажіть правдиве речення чи ні. На основі тексту)

Alex was in Italy in winter.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



Read the text and mark the sentences as "True" (+) or "False" (-).

He had a voyage by ship for ten days.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



Read the text and mark the sentences as "True" (+) or "False" (-).

Alex didn`t visit England.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



Read the text and mark the sentences as "True" (+) or "False" (-).

Alex learned to ski in Italy.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



Read the text and mark the sentences as "True" (+) or "False" (-).

He always travels by plane on holidays.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



Read the text and mark the sentences as "True" (+) or "False" (-).

He travelled by ship, train, car and plane during his winter holidays.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chiсago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never forget my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



Read the text and mark the correct answer.

Who went to Italy in winter?

варіанти відповідей



Jim`s uncle

Запитання 9

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chicago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never forget my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



How long did they travel by ship?

варіанти відповідей

8 days

11 days

7 days

Запитання 10

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



What WAS NOT there on the ship?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 11

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



How did they travel IN Italy?

варіанти відповідей

By car

By train

On skis

Запитання 12

Dear Jim, 

I'm writing about my winter holidays. On January 11th I travelled to 

Italy with my aunt Polly. We travelled by ship for a week. Of course it's 

a long way from America to Europe, but it was really exciting because 

the ship was very big, and there were shops, cafes, swimming pools, 

a cinema and a gym on board. First the ship visited Spain and the 

south of France. On January 18th we arrived in Italy. Then we travelled 

by train. It's a wonderful country! We stayed there in a hotel in the 

mountains. We went skiing every day. I could not ski before, but our 

trainer was very good. So on the third day I could ski down the hills. It 

was fantastic! We went back to the USA by plane. Our plane to Chi-

cago was on January 28th. It was my first travelling by plane.

Usually we travel around the country by train or by car. I'll never for-

get my journey to Europe! What did you do on holidays? Write soon. 



Where is Alex from?

варіанти відповідей

From France

From the USA

From Europe

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