
Додано: 10 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 80 разів
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose True or False.

Mr Robinson saw a lady with ten children one morning.

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Запитання 2

Read the text

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose True or False.

Mr Rodinsan saw a lady with her children in the street.

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Запитання 3

Read the text

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose True or False.

The children didn't wear the same clothes.

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Запитання 4

Read the text

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose True or False.

Mr Robinson was very angry because all the children were wearing the same clothes.

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Запитання 5

Read the text

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose True or False.

The children's clothes: white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

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Запитання 6

Read the text

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose the correct answer.

"Do you always dress them in the same clothes?" asked...

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Mr Robinson

a lady

Запитання 7

Read the text

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose the correct answer.

How many children had a lady?

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Запитання 8

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose the correct answer.

"It was easy to see our children among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes" answered the mother when...

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she had five children.

she had ten children.

she had four children.

Запитання 9

One day Mr Robinson saw a lady in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, dark blue coats and grey trousers.

'Are all those children yours?' he asked the mother.

'Yes, they are,' she answered.

'Do you always dress them in the same clothes?' asked Mr Robinson.

'Yes,' answered the mother. 'When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.

Choose True or False.

"When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different" answered a lady.

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