
Додано: 15 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 43 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

(Text 1) The four friends from Sibelius Academy originally formed a quartet to play classical music. 

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Запитання 2

They started Apocalyptica because they all liked the same band.  

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Запитання 3

Today only two of the original musicians are left in the band

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Запитання 4

They write some of their material, but most of their songs are still by other bands

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Запитання 5

They made the US charts in 2008, just behind Metallica.  

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Запитання 6

(Text 2)  According to the author, these days it is a challenge to

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 attract customers’ attention to your business.

get your advertising message to as many people as before.

advertise on every source of media.

find the best possible people to advertise for you.

Запитання 7

According to the author, the most effective way to advertise is to

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 buy advertising space in different media.

 speak to other businesses who are likely to become your customers.

mail people living near your business.

target the people who are most likely to become your customers

Запитання 8

 The best advertising messages

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include lots of useful information about your business.

refer to current promotions.

offer massive price reductions.

are aimed at students.

Запитання 9

According to the author, you should


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  include all the important facts about your business on your leaflets.

do all your advertising on the Internet.

always include your website address on your leaflets.

 tell potential customers to find out about your business themselves.

Запитання 10

 The author says you can make sure that your customers help you to advertise your business by


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asking them to advertise your business for a small fee.

 getting their feedback so they can change things they are not happy with

 asking them for their friends’ email addresses so that you can reach more people.

 providing them with a good service.

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