Reading 7 form

Додано: 12 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text about a teenage girl called Samantha Lucas and choose the correct answers to the questions – A, B or C.

Samantha Lucas – cookery book writer! Samantha Lucas is like many other teenage girls, she’s interested in going clothes shopping in town on Saturdays, although it’s usually just window shopping because she doesn’t have much money! And they all love doing volleyball after school, too. But there’s one thing she’s done that her

friends haven’t – she’s written a cookbook specially for people her age – and now they can buy it in the shops!


Samantha didn’t really enjoy cooking when her mum asked her to help in the kitchen at an early age. But her mum showed her how to do things like cook pasta and make sauces, and slowly she

learnt the basic skills. And since then, she’s created lots of dishes of her own by experimenting – and when they’ve worked, she’s added them to her collection, ready for her next book!


Says Samantha, ‘I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way – and used every plate and bowl in the kitchen sometimes! But I always tidy up, and

anyway that’s the best way to learn. And my mum’s always been here if I’ve needed advice – like why something has gone wrong!


Samantha still finds time to do all her schoolwork, and in fact thinks her cooking has made it easier for her to understand some of her science subjects, like Chemistry. But she hasn’t decided on a career path yet. ‘Although I love cooking, I think I might stop enjoying it if it’s the only thing I ever do. I’d quite like to use my skills to train to become a school science teacher – and just cook at the



Whatever happens, Samantha’s parents are really proud of her. Says her brother Edward, ‘It’s amazing – Mum tried to teach me to cook, too, but I just didn’t enjoy it. But now there are two people in the family who can cook brilliantly – so I get to eat lots of tasty dishes!’

1      What does Samantha do at the weekend?

варіанти відповідей

A She looks around the shops in town.

B     She plays sport with her friends.

B     She earns money working in a clothes shop.

Запитання 2

Read the text about a teenage girl called Samantha Lucas and choose the correct answers to the questions – A, B or C.

Samantha Lucas – cookery book writer! Samantha Lucas is like many other teenage girls, she’s interested in going clothes shopping in town on Saturdays, although it’s usually just window shopping because she doesn’t have much money! And they all love doing volleyball after school, too. But there’s one thing she’s done that her

friends haven’t – she’s written a cookbook specially for people her age – and now they can buy it in the shops!


Samantha didn’t really enjoy cooking when her mum asked her to help in the kitchen at an early age. But her mum showed her how to do things like cook pasta and make sauces, and slowly she

learnt the basic skills. And since then, she’s created lots of dishes of her own by experimenting – and when they’ve worked, she’s added them to her collection, ready for her next book!


Says Samantha, ‘I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way – and used every plate and bowl in the kitchen sometimes! But I always tidy up, and

anyway that’s the best way to learn. And my mum’s always been here if I’ve needed advice – like why something has gone wrong!


Samantha still finds time to do all her schoolwork, and in fact thinks her cooking has made it easier for her to understand some of her science subjects, like Chemistry. But she hasn’t decided on a career path yet. ‘Although I love cooking, I think I might stop enjoying it if it’s the only thing I ever do. I’d quite like to use my skills to train to become a school science teacher – and just cook at the



Whatever happens, Samantha’s parents are really proud of her. Says her brother Edward, ‘It’s amazing – Mum tried to teach me to cook, too, but I just didn’t enjoy it. But now there are two people in the family who can cook brilliantly – so I get to eat lots of tasty dishes!’

2. What do we learn about Samantha and cooking?

варіанти відповідей

A She has loved it ever since she was small.

B Her mum has taught her everything she knows.

C She has made new dishes by trying out ideas.

Запитання 3

Read the text about a teenage girl called Samantha Lucas and choose the correct answers to the questions – A, B or C.

Samantha Lucas – cookery book writer! Samantha Lucas is like many other teenage girls, she’s interested in going clothes shopping in town on Saturdays, although it’s usually just window shopping because she doesn’t have much money! And they all love doing volleyball after school, too. But there’s one thing she’s done that her

friends haven’t – she’s written a cookbook specially for people her age – and now they can buy it in the shops!


Samantha didn’t really enjoy cooking when her mum asked her to help in the kitchen at an early age. But her mum showed her how to do things like cook pasta and make sauces, and slowly she

learnt the basic skills. And since then, she’s created lots of dishes of her own by experimenting – and when they’ve worked, she’s added them to her collection, ready for her next book!


Says Samantha, ‘I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way – and used every plate and bowl in the kitchen sometimes! But I always tidy up, and

anyway that’s the best way to learn. And my mum’s always been here if I’ve needed advice – like why something has gone wrong!


Samantha still finds time to do all her schoolwork, and in fact thinks her cooking has made it easier for her to understand some of her science subjects, like Chemistry. But she hasn’t decided on a career path yet. ‘Although I love cooking, I think I might stop enjoying it if it’s the only thing I ever do. I’d quite like to use my skills to train to become a school science teacher – and just cook at the



Whatever happens, Samantha’s parents are really proud of her. Says her brother Edward, ‘It’s amazing – Mum tried to teach me to cook, too, but I just didn’t enjoy it. But now there are two people in the family who can cook brilliantly – so I get to eat lots of tasty dishes!’

3.      Samantha says that when she’s been busy cooking

варіанти відповідей

A she’s sometimes forgotten to tidy the kitchen.

B she hasn’t always got everything right.

C she’s preferred not to have her mum’s help.

Запитання 4

Read the text about a teenage girl called Samantha Lucas and choose the correct answers to the questions – A, B or C.

Samantha Lucas – cookery book writer! Samantha Lucas is like many other teenage girls, she’s interested in going clothes shopping in town on Saturdays, although it’s usually just window shopping because she doesn’t have much money! And they all love doing volleyball after school, too. But there’s one thing she’s done that her

friends haven’t – she’s written a cookbook specially for people her age – and now they can buy it in the shops!


Samantha didn’t really enjoy cooking when her mum asked her to help in the kitchen at an early age. But her mum showed her how to do things like cook pasta and make sauces, and slowly she

learnt the basic skills. And since then, she’s created lots of dishes of her own by experimenting – and when they’ve worked, she’s added them to her collection, ready for her next book!


Says Samantha, ‘I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way – and used every plate and bowl in the kitchen sometimes! But I always tidy up, and

anyway that’s the best way to learn. And my mum’s always been here if I’ve needed advice – like why something has gone wrong!


Samantha still finds time to do all her schoolwork, and in fact thinks her cooking has made it easier for her to understand some of her science subjects, like Chemistry. But she hasn’t decided on a career path yet. ‘Although I love cooking, I think I might stop enjoying it if it’s the only thing I ever do. I’d quite like to use my skills to train to become a school science teacher – and just cook at the



Whatever happens, Samantha’s parents are really proud of her. Says her brother Edward, ‘It’s amazing – Mum tried to teach me to cook, too, but I just didn’t enjoy it. But now there are two people in the family who can cook brilliantly – so I get to eat lots of tasty dishes!’

4   What does Samantha tell us about school?

варіанти відповідей

A She’s sorry that she doesn’t study cooking there.

B It’s hard to find time for school work and cooking.

C Cooking has helped her with some school subjects.

Запитання 5

Read the text about a teenage girl called Samantha Lucas and choose the correct answers to the questions – A, B or C.

Samantha Lucas – cookery book writer! Samantha Lucas is like many other teenage girls, she’s interested in going clothes shopping in town on Saturdays, although it’s usually just window shopping because she doesn’t have much money! And they all love doing volleyball after school, too. But there’s one thing she’s done that her

friends haven’t – she’s written a cookbook specially for people her age – and now they can buy it in the shops!


Samantha didn’t really enjoy cooking when her mum asked her to help in the kitchen at an early age. But her mum showed her how to do things like cook pasta and make sauces, and slowly she

learnt the basic skills. And since then, she’s created lots of dishes of her own by experimenting – and when they’ve worked, she’s added them to her collection, ready for her next book!


Says Samantha, ‘I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way – and used every plate and bowl in the kitchen sometimes! But I always tidy up, and

anyway that’s the best way to learn. And my mum’s always been here if I’ve needed advice – like why something has gone wrong!


Samantha still finds time to do all her schoolwork, and in fact thinks her cooking has made it easier for her to understand some of her science subjects, like Chemistry. But she hasn’t decided on a career path yet. ‘Although I love cooking, I think I might stop enjoying it if it’s the only thing I ever do. I’d quite like to use my skills to train to become a school science teacher – and just cook at the



Whatever happens, Samantha’s parents are really proud of her. Says her brother Edward, ‘It’s amazing – Mum tried to teach me to cook, too, but I just didn’t enjoy it. But now there are two people in the family who can cook brilliantly – so I get to eat lots of tasty dishes!’

5 Samantha thinks that in the future, she

варіанти відповідей

A will find a job involving cooking.

B     will train to work in a school.

с     will carry on cooking every day.

Запитання 6

Read the text about a teenage girl called Samantha Lucas and choose the correct answers to the questions – A, B or C.

Samantha Lucas – cookery book writer! Samantha Lucas is like many other teenage girls, she’s interested in going clothes shopping in town on Saturdays, although it’s usually just window shopping because she doesn’t have much money! And they all love doing volleyball after school, too. But there’s one thing she’s done that her

friends haven’t – she’s written a cookbook specially for people her age – and now they can buy it in the shops!


Samantha didn’t really enjoy cooking when her mum asked her to help in the kitchen at an early age. But her mum showed her how to do things like cook pasta and make sauces, and slowly she

learnt the basic skills. And since then, she’s created lots of dishes of her own by experimenting – and when they’ve worked, she’s added them to her collection, ready for her next book!


Says Samantha, ‘I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way – and used every plate and bowl in the kitchen sometimes! But I always tidy up, and

anyway that’s the best way to learn. And my mum’s always been here if I’ve needed advice – like why something has gone wrong!


Samantha still finds time to do all her schoolwork, and in fact thinks her cooking has made it easier for her to understand some of her science subjects, like Chemistry. But she hasn’t decided on a career path yet. ‘Although I love cooking, I think I might stop enjoying it if it’s the only thing I ever do. I’d quite like to use my skills to train to become a school science teacher – and just cook at the



Whatever happens, Samantha’s parents are really proud of her. Says her brother Edward, ‘It’s amazing – Mum tried to teach me to cook, too, but I just didn’t enjoy it. But now there are two people in the family who can cook brilliantly – so I get to eat lots of tasty dishes!’

6 What might Samantha’s brother Edward say?

варіанти відповідей

A ‘Mum says I’m a better cook than Samantha.’

B ‘I tried learning to cook, but I just prefer eating.’

C ‘Everyone in my family can cook really well.’

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