Reading. A balanced diet (11)

Додано: 13 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 176 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Do the tasks after it.

A balanced diet

Diet is a mixture of foods that a person eats. A balanced diet contains the correct proportions of all nutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, magnesium, and the trace elements), and dietary fiber, as well as water, carbohydrates and fats (which provide energy), and proteins (required for growth and maintenance).

If a person wants to be in a good health, he must be careful about his diet.

People who do heavy physical work need more food than people of mental work. It is impossible to work out mathematically what each person must eat. It is important to know that a diet must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. All this you can find in fish, meat, liver, kidneys, cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, potatoes, beans, green peas, butter and nuts.

A mixed diet of meat, fats, fruit and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. The aged should not eat so much as the young people.

If a person is stout (fat) then a low caloric diet is given. The person takes less fat, carbohydrate and protein but plenty of green vegetable and fruit.

Any patient with high temperature has a very poor appetite. The first few days the diet must be mainly fluid or semisolid. If a patient has high temperature for a long time he becomes very weak and it is very important to give him high caloric diet (food). Fat is an important part of such a diet but many patients do not like it.

Many diseases can be controlled or cured by diet. It is necessary to advice the following:

1. Rest 10 minutes before each meat.

2. Never eat anything too hot or too cold, both are bad.

3. Chew your food well and that will prolong your life. 


Task 1. Write true or false

 Diet is a mixture of foods that we eat

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Запитання 2

Read the text. Do the tasks after it.

A balanced diet

Diet is a mixture of foods that a person eats. A balanced diet contains the correct proportions of all nutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, magnesium, and the trace elements), and dietary fiber, as well as water, carbohydrates and fats (which provide energy), and proteins (required for growth and maintenance).

If a person wants to be in a good health, he must be careful about his diet.

People who do heavy physical work need more food than people of mental work. It is impossible to work out mathematically what each person must eat. It is important to know that a diet must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. All this you can find in fish, meat, liver, kidneys, cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, potatoes, beans, green peas, butter and nuts.

A mixed diet of meat, fats, fruit and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. The aged should not eat so much as the young people.

If a person is stout (fat) then a low caloric diet is given. The person takes less fat, carbohydrate and protein but plenty of green vegetable and fruit.

Any patient with high temperature has a very poor appetite. The first few days the diet must be mainly fluid or semisolid. If a patient has high temperature for a long time he becomes very weak and it is very important to give him high caloric diet (food). Fat is an important part of such a diet but many patients do not like it.

Many diseases can be controlled or cured by diet. It is necessary to advice the following:

1. Rest 10 minutes before each meat.

2. Never eat anything too hot or too cold, both are bad.

3. Chew your food well and that will prolong your life. 


Task 1. Write true or false

People who do heavy physical work need less food than people of mental work.

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Запитання 3

Read the text. Do the tasks after it.

A balanced diet

Diet is a mixture of foods that a person eats. A balanced diet contains the correct proportions of all nutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, magnesium, and the trace elements), and dietary fiber, as well as water, carbohydrates and fats (which provide energy), and proteins (required for growth and maintenance).

If a person wants to be in a good health, he must be careful about his diet.

People who do heavy physical work need more food than people of mental work. It is impossible to work out mathematically what each person must eat. It is important to know that a diet must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. All this you can find in fish, meat, liver, kidneys, cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, potatoes, beans, green peas, butter and nuts.

A mixed diet of meat, fats, fruit and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. The aged should not eat so much as the young people.

If a person is stout (fat) then a low caloric diet is given. The person takes less fat, carbohydrate and protein but plenty of green vegetable and fruit.

Any patient with high temperature has a very poor appetite. The first few days the diet must be mainly fluid or semisolid. If a patient has high temperature for a long time he becomes very weak and it is very important to give him high caloric diet (food). Fat is an important part of such a diet but many patients do not like it.

Many diseases can be controlled or cured by diet. It is necessary to advice the following:

1. Rest 10 minutes before each meat.

2. Never eat anything too hot or too cold, both are bad.

3. Chew your food well and that will prolong your life. 


Task 1. Write true or false

It is easy to work out mathematically which each person must eat.

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Запитання 4

Read the text. Do the tasks after it.

A balanced diet

Diet is a mixture of foods that a person eats. A balanced diet contains the correct proportions of all nutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, magnesium, and the trace elements), and dietary fiber, as well as water, carbohydrates and fats (which provide energy), and proteins (required for growth and maintenance).

If a person wants to be in a good health, he must be careful about his diet.

People who do heavy physical work need more food than people of mental work. It is impossible to work out mathematically what each person must eat. It is important to know that a diet must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. All this you can find in fish, meat, liver, kidneys, cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, potatoes, beans, green peas, butter and nuts.

A mixed diet of meat, fats, fruit and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. The aged should not eat so much as the young people.

If a person is stout (fat) then a low caloric diet is given. The person takes less fat, carbohydrate and protein but plenty of green vegetable and fruit.

Any patient with high temperature has a very poor appetite. The first few days the diet must be mainly fluid or semisolid. If a patient has high temperature for a long time he becomes very weak and it is very important to give him high caloric diet (food). Fat is an important part of such a diet but many patients do not like it.

Many diseases can be controlled or cured by diet. It is necessary to advice the following:

1. Rest 10 minutes before each meat.

2. Never eat anything too hot or too cold, both are bad.

3. Chew your food well and that will prolong your life. 

Task 1. Write true or false

 The aged should eat less as the young people.

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Запитання 5

Read the text. Do the tasks after it.

A balanced diet

Diet is a mixture of foods that a person eats. A balanced diet contains the correct proportions of all nutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, magnesium, and the trace elements), and dietary fiber, as well as water, carbohydrates and fats (which provide energy), and proteins (required for growth and maintenance).

If a person wants to be in a good health, he must be careful about his diet.

People who do heavy physical work need more food than people of mental work. It is impossible to work out mathematically what each person must eat. It is important to know that a diet must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. All this you can find in fish, meat, liver, kidneys, cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, potatoes, beans, green peas, butter and nuts.

A mixed diet of meat, fats, fruit and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. The aged should not eat so much as the young people.

If a person is stout (fat) then a low caloric diet is given. The person takes less fat, carbohydrate and protein but plenty of green vegetable and fruit.

Any patient with high temperature has a very poor appetite. The first few days the diet must be mainly fluid or semisolid. If a patient has high temperature for a long time he becomes very weak and it is very important to give him high caloric diet (food). Fat is an important part of such a diet but many patients do not like it.

Many diseases can be controlled or cured by diet. It is necessary to advice the following:

1. Rest 10 minutes before each meat.

2. Never eat anything too hot or too cold, both are bad.

3. Chew your food well and that will prolong your life. 

Task 1. Write true or false

  A patient with high temperature has a very good appetite.

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Запитання 6

Read the text. Do the tasks after it.

A balanced diet

Diet is a mixture of foods that a person eats. A balanced diet contains the correct proportions of all nutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulphur, magnesium, and the trace elements), and dietary fiber, as well as water, carbohydrates and fats (which provide energy), and proteins (required for growth and maintenance).

If a person wants to be in a good health, he must be careful about his diet.

People who do heavy physical work need more food than people of mental work. It is impossible to work out mathematically what each person must eat. It is important to know that a diet must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. All this you can find in fish, meat, liver, kidneys, cheese, eggs, milk, sugar, potatoes, beans, green peas, butter and nuts.

A mixed diet of meat, fats, fruit and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. The aged should not eat so much as the young people.

If a person is stout (fat) then a low caloric diet is given. The person takes less fat, carbohydrate and protein but plenty of green vegetable and fruit.

Any patient with high temperature has a very poor appetite. The first few days the diet must be mainly fluid or semisolid. If a patient has high temperature for a long time he becomes very weak and it is very important to give him high caloric diet (food). Fat is an important part of such a diet but many patients do not like it.

Many diseases can be controlled or cured by diet. It is necessary to advice the following:

1. Rest 10 minutes before each meat.

2. Never eat anything too hot or too cold, both are bad.

3. Chew your food well and that will prolong your life. 

Task 1. Write true or false

Diseases can be controlled by diets.

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Запитання 7

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

 It is important to know that a diet…

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must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, water and vitamins. 

must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. 

must consist of enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. 

Запитання 8

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

A mixed diet of…

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meat, fats, fruit and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. 

meat, fats and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. 

fats, fruit and grain is best of all to those who want to be healthy. 

Запитання 9

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

A balanced diet contains the correct proportions of all nutrients, and dietary fiber...

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as well as water, carbohydrates and fats (which provide energy), and proteins (required for growth and maintenance).

as well as water, carbohydrates and fats (required for growth and maintenance), and proteins (which provide energy).

carbohydrates and fats (which provide energy), and proteins (required for growth and maintenance).

Запитання 10

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

Any patient with high temperature has a very poor appetite. The first few days the diet must be...

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mainly fluid

mainly fluid or semisolid

mainly semisolid

Запитання 11

Task 3. Match the word with the definition:


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the use of drugs, exercises, etc. to improve the condition of an ill or injured person

to make someone with an illness healthy again

Запитання 12

Task 3. Match the word with the definition:

a fluid

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a substance that flows and is not solid

a substance that is in between a solid and a liquid

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