Reading AT THE ZOO (4)

Додано: 18 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 193 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and do the tasks after it.

At the Zoo

        Children like to go to the Zoo. They can see many animals there: tigers and lions, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears, horses and hares. They can see many different birds there too.

         The London Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the centre of the British capital. Many different kinds of animals and birds live there.

         The London Zoo has a special section for children. It is called the Children’s Zoo. Children can watch and touch young animals.

         There is the Zoo in Kyiv, too. Children and their parents like to visit it. It is situated not far from the centre. The Kyiv Zoo is situated in the park too. We can see different animals brought from all parts of the world. Some of the animals are in cages.

         When we are at the Zoo we must buy a ticket and be quiet. We can’t touch, feed the animals and drop litter. We must put litter in the bin. 

Task 1. Write true or false:

The London Zoo is in a small park which is far from the centre of the British capital

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Read the text and do the tasks after it.

At the Zoo

        Children like to go to the Zoo. They can see many animals there: tigers and lions, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears, horses and hares. They can see many different birds there too.

         The London Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the centre of the British capital. Many different kinds of animals and birds live there.

         The London Zoo has a special section for children. It is called the Children’s Zoo. Children can watch and touch young animals.

         There is the Zoo in Kyiv, too. Children and their parents like to visit it. It is situated not far from the centre. The Kyiv Zoo is situated in the park too. We can see different animals brought from all parts of the world. Some of the animals are in cages.

         When we are at the Zoo we must buy a ticket and be quiet. We can’t touch, feed the animals and drop litter. We must put litter in the bin. 

Task 1. Write true or false:

The London Zoo has a special section for children.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Read the text and do the tasks after it.

At the Zoo

        Children like to go to the Zoo. They can see many animals there: tigers and lions, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears, horses and hares. They can see many different birds there too.

         The London Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the centre of the British capital. Many different kinds of animals and birds live there.

         The London Zoo has a special section for children. It is called the Children’s Zoo. Children can watch and touch young animals.

         There is the Zoo in Kyiv, too. Children and their parents like to visit it. It is situated not far from the centre. The Kyiv Zoo is situated in the park too. We can see different animals brought from all parts of the world. Some of the animals are in cages.

         When we are at the Zoo we must buy a ticket and be quiet. We can’t touch, feed the animals and drop litter. We must put litter in the bin. 

Task 1. Write true or false:

Many different kinds of animals and birds live there.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Read the text and do the tasks after it.

At the Zoo

        Children like to go to the Zoo. They can see many animals there: tigers and lions, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears, horses and hares. They can see many different birds there too.

         The London Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the centre of the British capital. Many different kinds of animals and birds live there.

         The London Zoo has a special section for children. It is called the Children’s Zoo. Children can watch and touch young animals.

         There is the Zoo in Kyiv, too. Children and their parents like to visit it. It is situated not far from the centre. The Kyiv Zoo is situated in the park too. We can see different animals brought from all parts of the world. Some of the animals are in cages.

         When we are at the Zoo we must buy a ticket and be quiet. We can’t touch, feed the animals and drop litter. We must put litter in the bin. 

Task 1. Write true or false:

The Kyiv Zoo is situated near the river.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Read the text and do the tasks after it.

At the Zoo

        Children like to go to the Zoo. They can see many animals there: tigers and lions, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears, horses and hares. They can see many different birds there too.

         The London Zoo is in a large park which is not far from the centre of the British capital. Many different kinds of animals and birds live there.

         The London Zoo has a special section for children. It is called the Children’s Zoo. Children can watch and touch young animals.

         There is the Zoo in Kyiv, too. Children and their parents like to visit it. It is situated not far from the centre. The Kyiv Zoo is situated in the park too. We can see different animals brought from all parts of the world. Some of the animals are in cages.

         When we are at the Zoo we must buy a ticket and be quiet. We can’t touch, feed the animals and drop litter. We must put litter in the bin. 

Task 1. Write true or false:

When we are at the Zoo we mustn't buy tickets.

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Запитання 6

Task 2. Finish the sentences...

They can see many animals there:

варіанти відповідей

elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears, horses and hares

 tigers and lions, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears.

tigers and lions, elephants and monkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, wolves and foxes, white bears and brown bears, horses and hares. 

Запитання 7

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

Children can ...

варіанти відповідей

watch young animals 

watch and touch young animals 

 touch young animals 

Запитання 8

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

When we are at the Zoo we must ...

варіанти відповідей

buy a ticket, be quiet and drop litter

buy a ticket and be quiet.

buy a ticket. 

Запитання 9

Task 3. Translate the word:


варіанти відповідей

a wolf

a tiger

a fox

Запитання 10

Task 3. Translate the word:


варіанти відповідей

a bear

a tiger

a lion

Запитання 11

Task 3. Translate into Ukrainian:

feed the animals

варіанти відповідей

годувати тваринок

годувати пташок

готувати їжу

Запитання 12

Task 3. Translate into Ukrainian:


варіанти відповідей




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