READING – B2-C1 | core excerpts

Додано: 19 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 10 разів
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Carefully read the text below and choose correct answers.

The full text is given at once

The Bayeux Tapestry

1 The Bayeux Tapestry (also known in France as a Tapestry of Queen Matilda) is a unique medieval artifact that dates back to the 11th century. Nearly 70 metres of embroidered cloth expand on the events that led up to the Norman conquest of England, culminating with the fateful Battle of Hastings.

2 Technically not a tapestry (as tapestries are woven, not embroidered), this exquisite piece of cloth shows about 70 historical scenes and is narrated with Latin tituli. It’s origins and the history of creation are still hotly debated in scholarly circles, but the two main theories give the credit either to the Queen Matilda of Flanders who was a wife of William the Conqueror, or to a bishop Odo of Bayeux, who was William’s half-brother and eventually became a regent of England in his absence.

3 The tapestry is made largely of plain weave linen and embroidered with wool yarn. The woolen crewelwork is made in various shades of brown, blue and green, mainly terracotta, russet, and olive green. Later restorations have also added some brighter colours, such as orange and light yellow. Attempts at restoration of both the beginning and the end of the tapestry were made at some points, adding some missing tituli and numerals, although an ongoing debate disputes the validity of these restorations.

4 The events unfolding on a tapestry took place in the years 1064 to 1066. Anglo-Saxon earl Harold Godwinson is depicted receiving the English crown from Edward the Confessor, a deathly ill English monarch. An invading Norman force is then shown, which soon engages Saxon forces in a bloody battle. Ultimately king Harold is slain, and English forces flee the battlefield. The last part of the tapestry was supposedly lost and a newer piece was added in its place roughly in 1810.

5 The tapestry allows for an unique insight into the mind of a medieval craftsman, and, as it was commissioned by victorious Normans, gives us a chance to see how the medieval history was customarily chronicled by the winning side.

6 Since 1945 the Tapestry rests in Bayeux Museum, although as recently as 2018 the plans were put in motion to move it to an exhibit of the British Museum in London before the end of 2022. If everything proceeds as planned, it will be the first time the Tapestry has left France in over 950 years.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Who became regent of England several times in the XI century?

варіанти відповідей

Odo, the bishop

The Earl of Kent

William the Conqueror

Queen Matilda

Запитання 3

What was done during the so-called restorations?

варіанти відповідей

Crocheted embroidery

Numbered scenes

Adding colours

Запитання 4

What did the tapestry mean?

варіанти відповідей

Victorious Normans and history through their eyes

Battle Preparation scenes

The skill of medieval artisans and their methods of stitching canvases

Medieval symbols with a reference to a pagan cult

Some medieval unique insights

Запитання 5

Where is the tapestry placed?

варіанти відповідей

British Museum


Northeast of France

Запитання 6

Which part is not disclosed in the text?

варіанти відповідей

The theoretical part

The historical basis

Explanation of significance

The summarizing

Запитання 7

Carefully read the text below and choose correct answers.

The Bayeux Tapestry

1 The Bayeux Tapestry (also known in France as a Tapestry of Queen Matilda) is a unique medieval artifact that dates back to the 11th century. Nearly 70 metres of embroidered cloth expand on the events that _____1 the Norman conquest of England, culminating2 with the fateful Battle of Hastings.

2 Technically not a tapestry (as tapestries are woven, not embroidered), this exquisite piece of cloth shows about 70 historical scenes and is narrated with Latin tituli. It’s origins and the history of creation ____3 still hotly debat___4 in scholarly circles, but the two main theories give the credit either to the Queen Matilda of Flanders who was a wife of William the Conqueror, or to a bishop Odo of Bayeux, who was William’s half-brother and eventually became a regent of England in his absence.

3 The tapestry is made largely of plain weave linen and embroidered with wool yarn. The woolen crewelwork is made in various shades of brown, blue and green, mainly terracotta, russet, and olive green. Later restorations ____5 also ____5 some brighter colours, such as orange and light yellow. Attempts at restoration of both the beginning and the end of the tapestry were made at some points, adding some missing tituli and numerals, ______6 an ongoing debate disputes the validity of these restorations.

What forms of words are omitted in these gaps?

варіанти відповідей

1led up, 2it's a noun, 3are, 4debated, 5have___added, 6although

1had led up, 2it's an adverbial participle, 3are, 4debated, 5---___added, 6however

1led up, 2it's an adverbial participle, 3are, 4debated, 5had been___adding, 6although

1led up, 2it's a noun, 3are, 4debating, 5have___added, 6although

1led up, 2it's an adverbial participle, 3---, 4debate, 5have___added, 6however

Запитання 8

The 4 (fourth) part we can name:

варіанти відповідей

Figures in the then war

Manufacturing techniques, basic principles and colours used, as well as countless restorations

Parts of the tapestry as excerpts from what was happening then

The tapestry reminds of the forgotten past

Запитання 9

Match the definitions (1-7) with the vocabulary (A-H).

1. A newer piece

варіанти відповідей

A. ....sewn in 1810

B. ....also added with some brighter colours

C. ....was added in its place roughly

D. .... was about 70 historical scenes

E. ....commissioned by victorious Normans

F. ....was planned to move

G ....was an original

H. dates back to the 11th century

Запитання 10

Match the definitions (1-7) with the vocabulary (A-H).

2. As it was

варіанти відповідей

A. ....allowed

B. ....also added with some brighter colours

C. ....was added in its place roughly

D. .... was about 70 historical scenes

E. ....commissioned by victorious Normans

F. ....was planned to move

G ....was an original

H. dates back to the 11th century

Запитання 11

Match the definitions (1-7) with the vocabulary (A-H).

3. Medieval artifact

варіанти відповідей

A. ....was planned to move

B. ....also added with some brighter colours

C. ....was added in its place roughly

D. .... was about 70 historical scenes

E. ....commissioned by victorious Normans

F. ....expand on the events

G ....was an original

H. dates back to the 11th century

Запитання 12

Match the definitions (1-7) with the vocabulary (A-H).

4. Restorations

варіанти відповідей

A. ....was planned to move

B. ....was also added with some brighter colours

C. ....was added in its place roughly

D. made in various shades of brown, blue and green, mainly terracotta

E. ....commissioned by victorious Normans

F. ....was about 70 historical scenes

G ....was an original

H. dates back to the 11th century

Запитання 13

Match the definitions (1-7) with the vocabulary (A-H).

5. Tapestry ...... and it at the first time has left France in over 950 years.

варіанти відповідей

A. ....was planned to move

B. ....was also added with some brighter colours

C. ....was added in its place roughly

D. made in various shades of brown, blue and green, mainly terracotta

E. ....commissioned by victorious Normans

F. ....was about 70 historical scenes

G ....was an original

H. dates back to the 11th century

Запитання 14

Match the definitions (1-7) with the vocabulary (A-H).

6. The very first Bayeux Tapestry ___ , parts of which are lost, but are still disputed in scholarly circles.

варіанти відповідей

A. ....sewn in 1810

B. ....also added with some brighter colours

C. ....was added in its place roughly

D. .... was about 70 historical scenes

E. ....commissioned by victorious Normans

F. ....was planned to move

G ....was an original

H. dates back to the 11th century

Запитання 15

Match the definitions (1-7) with the vocabulary (A-H).

7. The woolen crewelwork

варіанти відповідей

A. ....was planned to move

B. ....was also added with some brighter colours

C. ....was added in its place roughly

D. made in various shades of brown, blue and green, mainly terracotta

E. ....commissioned by victorious Normans

F. ....was about 70 historical scenes

G ....was an original

H. dates back to the 11th century

Запитання 16

Britain is often regarded as “the cradle of democracy” and the Palace of Westminster: the “Mother of all Parliaments”. The British state is described as a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. The correct constitutional definition of Parliament is the ‘Queen-inParliament‘. A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a king or queen is the Head of State (the official head of the country), but an elected government has most of the real power.

Great Britain is a...

варіанти відповідей

Parliamentary system

Monarchy with an elected government

Constitutional monarchy

Parliamentary monarchy

Запитання 17

The British monarch holds a formal role. Succession to the throne is still hereditary, but only for Protestants in the direct line of descent. Queen Elizabeth II, who is the current monarch, has a number of roles, but serves formally as the head of state, head of the three governmental branches, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the supreme governor of the Church of England. She remains politically impartial and with limited powers, it means she cannot make laws, impose taxes, or spend public money. Time has reduced the power of the monarchy, and today it is broadly ceremonial, like appointing the government, opening and dissolving the Parliament, the Queen’s speech, and the Royal Assent.

Queen Elizabeth II is a...

варіанти відповідей

Head of the state

Chairman of the Parliament

Legislator, commander-in-chief

Supreme governor

Head of Ceremonies, tax administrator

Запитання 18


варіанти відповідей

• wall lint-free carpet with a plot or ornamental composition, hand-woven by cross-interweaving of threads

• a carpet with a plot or ornamental composition, woven from camel yarn, a bedspread for furniture

• wide strips of fabric for pasting or upholstery of walls in rooms

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