Reading Comprehension 8 (I Term)

Додано: 3 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Comprehension 8 (I Term)
Тест виконано: 447 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

Choose the correct word.

By now you probably know all about the physical ________________ (1) of exercise, but new research shows that getting fit improves your mental health, too. Regular exercise can help you feel less stressed, get more sleep and improve your self-confidence.

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Запитання 2

Сhoose the correct word.

So, think of your ______________ (2) as a mini vacation. For 30 minutes, you will not answer the phone or take care of others. It is hard to worry about all the things you have to do when you are concentrating on doing one more push-up!

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Запитання 3

Choose the correct word.

Exercise makes sure a good night’s rest in two key ways: the simple act of______________ (3) tires your body out, and working out also reduces ___________(4) which can cause sleeplessness. So, the equation is simple: more physical activity equals less insomnia.

варіанти відповідей

sleeping, laziness

moving, stress

resting, tiredness 

studying, health

Запитання 4

Choose the correct word.

By taking positive steps to improve your health and looks, you gain a feeling of control over your life and body. That sense of confidence will carry over to other areas of your life, raising your overall (5)_______________. While you are working out, you can think and appreciate all that your body can do instead of thinking negative thoughts about your appearance.

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Запитання 5

Read the text and the statements to it. Write if the statements are true or false.


Are parents always fair, patient and tolerant towards their children? This story shows how true love can cope with misunderstanding and unfairness. There was a father who had three children and had to bring them up by himself because his wife died. He often felt tired, busy and stressed. One morning he asked his eldest daughter, Valery, to wash the breakfast dishes before going to school. But she was already running late, so she burst into tears. The father decided that she was just trying to get out of an unpleasant chore, and he demanded that she dry her tears and get back to work immediately. She silently did what he wanted, but that day they were driving to school in silence. The man dropped his daughters and moved to his office. He tried to work but couldn’t focus on his job; all he could see was his daughter’s unhappy face as she got out of the car. So he decided to say sorry to his daughter. He took permission from the school to take his daughter for lunch. When she came out, he turned towards his daughter and said, «Valery, I am sorry. It’s not that I shouldn’t have asked you to help out at home, but I had no right to it this morning without any previous warning. I upset you at a time when you most needed my love and support. And I let you go without saying «I love you». Please forgive me». Valery put her arms around her father’s neck and said, «Oh, dad, of course I forgive you. I love you, too».

1. The man in the story had no wife.

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Запитання 6

Read the text and the statements to it. Write if the statements are true or false.


Are parents always fair, patient and tolerant towards their children? This story shows how true love can cope with misunderstanding and unfairness. There was a father who had three children and had to bring them up by himself because his wife died. He often felt tired, busy and stressed. One morning he asked his eldest daughter, Valery, to wash the breakfast dishes before going to school. But she was already running late, so she burst into tears. The father decided that she was just trying to get out of an unpleasant chore, and he demanded that she dry her tears and get back to work immediately. She silently did what he wanted, but that day they were driving to school in silence. The man dropped his daughters and moved to his office. He tried to work but couldn’t focus on his job; all he could see was his daughter’s unhappy face as she got out of the car. So he decided to say sorry to his daughter. He took permission from the school to take his daughter for lunch. When she came out, he turned towards his daughter and said, «Valery, I am sorry. It’s not that I shouldn’t have asked you to help out at home, but I had no right to it this morning without any previous warning. I upset you at a time when you most needed my love and support. And I let you go without saying «I love you». Please forgive me». Valery put her arms around her father’s neck and said, «Oh, dad, of course I forgive you. I love you, too».

2. Valery was the only child.

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Запитання 7

Read the text and the statements to it. Write if the statements are true or false.


Are parents always fair, patient and tolerant towards their children? This story shows how true love can cope with misunderstanding and unfairness. There was a father who had three children and had to bring them up by himself because his wife died. He often felt tired, busy and stressed. One morning he asked his eldest daughter, Valery, to wash the breakfast dishes before going to school. But she was already running late, so she burst into tears. The father decided that she was just trying to get out of an unpleasant chore, and he demanded that she dry her tears and get back to work immediately. She silently did what he wanted, but that day they were driving to school in silence. The man dropped his daughters and moved to his office. He tried to work but couldn’t focus on his job; all he could see was his daughter’s unhappy face as she got out of the car. So he decided to say sorry to his daughter. He took permission from the school to take his daughter for lunch. When she came out, he turned towards his daughter and said, «Valery, I am sorry. It’s not that I shouldn’t have asked you to help out at home, but I had no right to it this morning without any previous warning. I upset you at a time when you most needed my love and support. And I let you go without saying «I love you». Please forgive me». Valery put her arms around her father’s neck and said, «Oh, dad, of course I forgive you. I love you, too».

3. It was Valery’s duty to wash the dishes every morning.

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Запитання 8

Read the text and the statements to it. Write if the statements are true or false.


Are parents always fair, patient and tolerant towards their children? This story shows how true love can cope with misunderstanding and unfairness. There was a father who had three children and had to bring them up by himself because his wife died. He often felt tired, busy and stressed. One morning he asked his eldest daughter, Valery, to wash the breakfast dishes before going to school. But she was already running late, so she burst into tears. The father decided that she was just trying to get out of an unpleasant chore, and he demanded that she dry her tears and get back to work immediately. She silently did what he wanted, but that day they were driving to school in silence. The man dropped his daughters and moved to his office. He tried to work but couldn’t focus on his job; all he could see was his daughter’s unhappy face as she got out of the car. So he decided to say sorry to his daughter. He took permission from the school to take his daughter for lunch. When she came out, he turned towards his daughter and said, «Valery, I am sorry. It’s not that I shouldn’t have asked you to help out at home, but I had no right to it this morning without any previous warning. I upset you at a time when you most needed my love and support. And I let you go without saying «I love you». Please forgive me». Valery put her arms around her father’s neck and said, «Oh, dad, of course I forgive you. I love you, too».

4. The father was rude with his daughter.

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Запитання 9

Read the text and the statements to it. Write if the statements are true or false.


Are parents always fair, patient and tolerant towards their children? This story shows how true love can cope with misunderstanding and unfairness. There was a father who had three children and had to bring them up by himself because his wife died. He often felt tired, busy and stressed. One morning he asked his eldest daughter, Valery, to wash the breakfast dishes before going to school. But she was already running late, so she burst into tears. The father decided that she was just trying to get out of an unpleasant chore, and he demanded that she dry her tears and get back to work immediately. She silently did what he wanted, but that day they were driving to school in silence. The man dropped his daughters and moved to his office. He tried to work but couldn’t focus on his job; all he could see was his daughter’s unhappy face as she got out of the car. So he decided to say sorry to his daughter. He took permission from the school to take his daughter for lunch. When she came out, he turned towards his daughter and said, «Valery, I am sorry. It’s not that I shouldn’t have asked you to help out at home, but I had no right to it this morning without any previous warning. I upset you at a time when you most needed my love and support. And I let you go without saying «I love you». Please forgive me». Valery put her arms around her father’s neck and said, «Oh, dad, of course I forgive you. I love you, too».

5. The father felt guilty and couldn’t work.

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Запитання 10

Read the text and the statements to it. Write if the statements are true or false.


Are parents always fair, patient and tolerant towards their children? This story shows how true love can cope with misunderstanding and unfairness. There was a father who had three children and had to bring them up by himself because his wife died. He often felt tired, busy and stressed. One morning he asked his eldest daughter, Valery, to wash the breakfast dishes before going to school. But she was already running late, so she burst into tears. The father decided that she was just trying to get out of an unpleasant chore, and he demanded that she dry her tears and get back to work immediately. She silently did what he wanted, but that day they were driving to school in silence. The man dropped his daughters and moved to his office. He tried to work but couldn’t focus on his job; all he could see was his daughter’s unhappy face as she got out of the car. So he decided to say sorry to his daughter. He took permission from the school to take his daughter for lunch. When she came out, he turned towards his daughter and said, «Valery, I am sorry. It’s not that I shouldn’t have asked you to help out at home, but I had no right to it this morning without any previous warning. I upset you at a time when you most needed my love and support. And I let you go without saying «I love you». Please forgive me». Valery put her arms around her father’s neck and said, «Oh, dad, of course I forgive you. I love you, too».

6. Valery easily forgave her father.

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Запитання 11

Complete the text with the words.

British children ought to _______________ (1) school until they are 16 years old. At the age of 16, students write an _______________ (2) called the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

варіанти відповідей

attend, examination

comprehensive, examination

examination, examination

language, examination

Запитання 12

Complete the text with the words.

All students are tested in Mathematics, English Literature, English Composition, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, History or the Classics, one modern language, and one more ________________ (3), such as Art or Computer Studies. After completing the GCSE, some students leave school, others enter a technical college, while others continue at high school for two more years and take a further set of standardised exams, known as _____________ (4), in three or four subjects. These exams determine whether a student is smart enough for a university.

варіанти відповідей

subject, A levels

comprehensive, subject

language, A levels

attend, language

Запитання 13

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

Bernard Berg is … .

варіанти відповідей

a teacher

a professor

a student

Запитання 14

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

At school he was good at … .

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Запитання 15

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

Bernard Berg studied in … .

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Запитання 16

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

He was offered to work as a teacher … .

варіанти відповідей

two years later

three years later

four years later

Запитання 17

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

He was offered to work during … .

варіанти відповідей

autumn holidays

winter holidays

summer holidays

Запитання 18

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

Bernard Berg specialized in teaching … .

варіанти відповідей

geography of different countries

economy of different countries

languages of different countries

Запитання 19

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

Bernard Berg started as an English language teacher.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 20

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

He finished his university studies in Cambridge.

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Запитання 21

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

He began teaching in a secondary school in England.

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Запитання 22

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

He was interested in languages of different countries.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 23

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

He went to Africa for three years.

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Запитання 24

Read the text.

Love to Languages

Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher.

He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in

French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began

teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met

someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students

during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the

work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries.

Since then he has specialized in this work.

First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After

that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South

America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages

and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of

life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessons.

Choose the correct answer.

Now he is a writer.

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