Reading Comprehension A1

Додано: 1 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 32 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Winter weather in my country

Hil I'm Sonya Lampson and I'm thirteen years old. I live in Quebec with my parents, two little brothers, Peter and Mike, and a clever dog Blacky. We are very friendly.

The city we live in is beautiful. In winter it often snows and the streets and houses are covered with snow. The temperature often falls more than thirty degrees below zero. When the temperature is lower than thirty-five degrees below zero we don't go to school. The frost bites our cheeks. It is very, very cold! Sometimes there are heavy snowstorms and you can't see anything. There are often very cold winds and it is difficult to stay in the streets for a long time. That's why we wear warm coats, woolen hats, mittens, leather boots, and scarves not to freeze.

But I like winter when the weather it isn't very cold. Then we go outdoors, make snowmen, play snowballs, ski, skate or snowboard. My brothers like to sledge from the hill. As for me, I adore figure skating.

But sometimes I envy people living in warm countries.

Choose True (T) or False (F)

1. This in Sonya Larson.

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Запитання 2

Winter weather in my country

Hil I'm Sonya Lampson and I'm thirteen years old. I live in Quebec with my parents, two little brothers, Peter and Mike, and a clever dog Blacky. We are very friendly.

The city we live in is beautiful. In winter it often snows and the streets and houses are covered with snow. The temperature often falls more than thirty degrees below zero. When the temperature is lower than thirty-five degrees below zero we don't go to school. The frost bites our cheeks. It is very, very cold! Sometimes there are heavy snowstorms and you can't see anything. There are often very cold winds and it is difficult to stay in the streets for a long time. That's why we wear warm coats, woolen hats, mittens, leather boots, and scarves not to freeze.

But I like winter when the weather it isn't very cold. Then we go outdoors, make snowmen, play snowballs, ski, skate or snowboard. My brothers like to sledge from the hill. As for me, I adore figure skating.

But sometimes I envy people living in warm countries.

2. Sonya is thirteen years old.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Winter weather in my country

Hil I'm Sonya Lampson and I'm thirteen years old. I live in Quebec with my parents, two little brothers, Peter and Mike, and a clever dog Blacky. We are very friendly.

The city we live in is beautiful. In winter it often snows and the streets and houses are covered with snow. The temperature often falls more than thirty degrees below zero. When the temperature is lower than thirty-five degrees below zero we don't go to school. The frost bites our cheeks. It is very, very cold! Sometimes there are heavy snowstorms and you can't see anything. There are often very cold winds and it is difficult to stay in the streets for a long time. That's why we wear warm coats, woolen hats, mittens, leather boots, and scarves not to freeze.

But I like winter when the weather it isn't very cold. Then we go outdoors, make snowmen, play snowballs, ski, skate or snowboard. My brothers like to sledge from the hill. As for me, I adore figure skating.

But sometimes I envy people living in warm countries.

3. She lives in Montreal.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Winter weather in my country

Hil I'm Sonya Lampson and I'm thirteen years old. I live in Quebec with my parents, two little brothers, Peter and Mike, and a clever dog Blacky. We are very friendly.

The city we live in is beautiful. In winter it often snows and the streets and houses are covered with snow. The temperature often falls more than thirty degrees below zero. When the temperature is lower than thirty-five degrees below zero we don't go to school. The frost bites our cheeks. It is very, very cold! Sometimes there are heavy snowstorms and you can't see anything. There are often very cold winds and it is difficult to stay in the streets for a long time. That's why we wear warm coats, woolen hats, mittens, leather boots, and scarves not to freeze.

But I like winter when the weather it isn't very cold. Then we go outdoors, make snowmen, play snowballs, ski, skate or snowboard. My brothers like to sledge from the hill. As for me, I adore figure skating.

But sometimes I envy people living in warm countries.

4. She has got two sisters.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Winter weather in my country

Hil I'm Sonya Lampson and I'm thirteen years old. I live in Quebec with my parents, two little brothers, Peter and Mike, and a clever dog Blacky. We are very friendly.

The city we live in is beautiful. In winter it often snows and the streets and houses are covered with snow. The temperature often falls more than thirty degrees below zero. When the temperature is lower than thirty-five degrees below zero we don't go to school. The frost bites our cheeks. It is very, very cold! Sometimes there are heavy snowstorms and you can't see anything. There are often very cold winds and it is difficult to stay in the streets for a long time. That's why we wear warm coats, woolen hats, mittens, leather boots, and scarves not to freeze.

But I like winter when the weather it isn't very cold. Then we go outdoors, make snowmen, play snowballs, ski, skate or snowboard. My brothers like to sledge from the hill. As for me, I adore figure skating.

But sometimes I envy people living in warm countries.

5. Her dog is clever.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Winter weather in my country

Hil I'm Sonya Lampson and I'm thirteen years old. I live in Quebec with my parents, two little brothers, Peter and Mike, and a clever dog Blacky. We are very friendly.

The city we live in is beautiful. In winter it often snows and the streets and houses are covered with snow. The temperature often falls more than thirty degrees below zero. When the temperature is lower than thirty-five degrees below zero we don't go to school. The frost bites our cheeks. It is very, very cold! Sometimes there are heavy snowstorms and you can't see anything. There are often very cold winds and it is difficult to stay in the streets for a long time. That's why we wear warm coats, woolen hats, mittens, leather boots, and scarves not to freeze.

But I like winter when the weather it isn't very cold. Then we go outdoors, make snowmen, play snowballs, ski, skate or snowboard. My brothers like to sledge from the hill. As for me, I adore figure skating.

But sometimes I envy people living in warm countries.

6. It often snows in winter.

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Запитання 7

Answer the questions:

1. Where does Sonya live?

варіанти відповідей

She lives in Quebec

She lives in Montreal

Запитання 8

2. Who does Sonya live with?

варіанти відповідей

Sonya lives with her parents, two little sisters and clever cat Blacky

Sonya lives with her parents, two little brothers and clever dog Blacky

Запитання 9

3. Does she have a pet?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, she has a dog

Yes, she has a cat

No, she hasn't

Запитання 10

4.  What do they wear in winter?

варіанти відповідей

Warm coats, woolen hats, mittens, leather boots and scarves

Coats, warm hats, leather mittens, woolen boots and scarves

Запитання 11

5. What do they do in winter?

варіанти відповідей

They make snowmen, play snowballs, ski, skate or snowboard

They drink hot tea, play snowballs and football

Запитання 12

6. When children didn't go to school?

варіанти відповідей

When the frost bites their cheeks

When the temperature is lower than thirty-five degrees below zero

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