Reading Comprehension A1

Додано: 7 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 363 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

Her name is Melissa.

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Запитання 2

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

She is from Italy.

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Запитання 3

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

She lives in London.

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Запитання 4

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

She is 8 years old.

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Запитання 5

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

Her dad's name is Peter.

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Запитання 6

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

Her mum is 36 years old.

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Запитання 7

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

She has a sister.

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Запитання 8

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

Her brother has blue eyes.

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Запитання 9

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

Her mum has glasses.

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Запитання 10

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Hello, my name is Michelle. I am from England. I live in London. I am nine years old. I live in a house. I live with my mother, father and my brother. My dad is 40 years old. His name is Steve. He has a beard. My mum is 36 years old. Her name is Laura. She has glasses. My brother is 3 years old. His name is Peter. He has blue eyes. I love my family!

Прочитайте питання та оберіть True - якщо речення правдиве або False - якщо ні.

She lives in a farm.

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