Reading Comprehension Final Test 10 клас

Додано: 13 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 3242 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

1. Read the text below. For questions (1—5) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 


School usually means the same in American Eng lish as in British English, but sometimes it can also mean ‘university’. If a parent says ‘I work during the mornings when the children are at school’, it means that the children are young and are probably at elementary school. But ‘My youngest son is always at school now’ almost certainly means that he has started university in another city.

Many Americans send their children to a nursery school, or to day care or pre-school at an early age. At 5 children go to kindergarten. As in Britain US schools are divided into primary and secondary, but these words are rarely used. It is more common to talk about elementary school, junior high school and high school and the grade, or year group, students are in. Elementary schools teach children from kindergarten till the end of sixth grade. Grades seven and eight are taken at junior high school, and the ninth to the twelfth grades at high school.

1. In American English “school” is a ______________.

варіанти відповідей

secondary school


secondary school + university

Запитання 2

1. Read the text below. For questions (1—5) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 


School usually means the same in American Eng lish as in British English, but sometimes it can also mean ‘university’. If a parent says ‘I work during the mornings when the children are at school’, it means that the children are young and are probably at elementary school. But ‘My youngest son is always at school now’ almost certainly means that he has started university in another city.

Many Americans send their children to a nursery school, or to day care or pre-school at an early age. At 5 children go to kindergarten. As in Britain US schools are divided into primary and secondary, but these words are rarely used. It is more common to talk about elementary school, junior high school and high school and the grade, or year group, students are in. Elementary schools teach children from kindergarten till the end of sixth grade. Grades seven and eight are taken at junior high school, and the ninth to the twelfth grades at high school

2.  As a rule “to be always at school” means ______________.

варіанти відповідей

to go to university

 to spend a lot of time at school

not to miss classes

Запитання 3

1. Read the text below. For questions (1—5) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 


School usually means the same in American Eng lish as in British English, but sometimes it can also mean ‘university’. If a parent says ‘I work during the mornings when the children are at school’, it means that the children are young and are probably at elementary school. But ‘My youngest son is always at school now’ almost certainly means that he has started university in another city.

Many Americans send their children to a nursery school, or to day care or pre-school at an early age. At 5 children go to kindergarten. As in Britain US schools are divided into primary and secondary, but these words are rarely used. It is more common to talk about elementary school, junior high school and high school and the grade, or year group, students are in. Elementary schools teach children from kindergarten till the end of sixth grade. Grades seven and eight are taken at junior high school, and the ninth to the twelfth grades at high school

3 Before five children ______________.

варіанти відповідей

go to kindergarten

attend a day care school

stay at home

Запитання 4

1. Read the text below. For questions (1—5) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 


School usually means the same in American Eng lish as in British English, but sometimes it can also mean ‘university’. If a parent says ‘I work during the mornings when the children are at school’, it means that the children are young and are probably at elementary school. But ‘My youngest son is always at school now’ almost certainly means that he has started university in another city.

Many Americans send their children to a nursery school, or to day care or pre-school at an early age. At 5 children go to kindergarten. As in Britain US schools are divided into primary and secondary, but these words are rarely used. It is more common to talk about elementary school, junior high school and high school and the grade, or year group, students are in. Elementary schools teach children from kindergarten till the end of sixth grade. Grades seven and eight are taken at junior high school, and the ninth to the twelfth grades at high school.

4 The word “grade” is closest in meaning to ______________.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

1. Read the text below. For questions (1—5) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 


School usually means the same in American Eng lish as in British English, but sometimes it can also mean ‘university’. If a parent says ‘I work during the mornings when the children are at school’, it means that the children are young and are probably at elementary school. But ‘My youngest son is always at school now’ almost certainly means that he has started university in another city.

Many Americans send their children to a nursery school, or to day care or pre-school at an early age. At 5 children go to kindergarten. As in Britain US schools are divided into primary and secondary, but these words are rarely used. It is more common to talk about elementary school, junior high school and high school and the grade, or year group, students are in. Elementary schools teach children from kindergarten till the end of sixth grade. Grades seven and eight are taken at junior high school, and the ninth to the twelfth grades at high school.

5. Grade “four” corresponds to ______________.

варіанти відповідей

elementary school

high school

junior high school

Запитання 6

2. Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to the text.


Tips on Being Happy

1. Free yourself from negative emotions such as, guilt, anger, doubt, fear, resentment, and worry. Your goal in this area should be to constantly examine, and then eliminate the negative emotions you fi nd in your own life. This is, quite possibly, the largest part of fi nding true happiness.

варіанти відповідей

Try to be physically fit 

Spend more time going out

Don’t discuss your private life

Analyze what you have lived through 

Improve other people’s lives

Develop harmony and peace of mind 

Review your contacts

Read humorous books

Запитання 7

2. Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to the text.

Tips on Being Happy

2 Imagine yourself as perfectly healthy. Good health is another huge key to achieving true happiness. You become what you think and imagine. Imagine yourself eating the right things, exercising, and being happy when you look in the mirror.

варіанти відповідей

Try to be physically fit

Spend more time going out

Don’t discuss your private life

Analyze what you have lived through 

Improve other people’s lives

Develop harmony and peace of mind 

Review your contacts

Read humorous books

Запитання 8

2. Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to the text.

Tips on Being Happy

3.  You need to take the time to examine your past experiences in order to fully understand your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You must learn to forgive others and embrace all the experiences, good and bad, that have shaped who you are today. Only then can you move forward to becoming the best you possible.

варіанти відповідей

Try to be physically fit 

Spend more time going out

Don’t discuss your private life

Analyze what you have lived through 

Improve other people’s lives

Develop harmony and peace of mind 

Review your contacts

Read humorous books

Запитання 9

2. Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to the text.

Tips on Being Happy

4. A true measure of your personality is the loving and intimate relationships you have. If you are involved in relationships you know are unhealthy, it’s time to make a change. Strive to be around people who love you, build you up, and whom you look up to.

варіанти відповідей

Try to be physically fit 

Spend more time going out

 Don’t discuss your private life

Analyze what you have lived through

Improve other people’s lives

Develop harmony and peace of mind 

Review your contacts

Read humorous books

Запитання 10

2. Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to the text.


Tips on Being Happy

5. This is about living on purpose. You need a commitment to something greater than yourself if you want to find happiness. Start thinking about how you can use your talents, personality, and skills to make the world a better place.

варіанти відповідей

Try to be physically fit 

Spend more time going out

Don’t discuss your private life

Analyze what you have lived through 

Improve other people’s lives

Develop harmony and peace of mind 

Review your contacts

Read humorous books

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