Reading Comprehension Test

Додано: 21 квітня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Comprehension Test
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

Mr. Brown worked at the plant.

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Запитання 2

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

Mr. Jones was going to have a party on Wednesday.

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Запитання 3

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

The party was going to be in the evening.

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Запитання 4

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

 Mr. Jones was going to have a party at the restaurant.

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Запитання 5

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

Mr. Jones invited Mr. Brown with his children.

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Запитання 6

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

Mr. Brown wanted to send a letter to his wife.

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Запитання 7

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”Mr. Brown telephoned to his wife.

Mr. Brown telephoned her wife

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Запитання 8

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

Mr. Brown spoke to his wife.

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Запитання 9

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

His small daughter answered the telephone.

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Запитання 10

Read the texts. Look at the statements below the text and say true (T) or false (F) according to the text you have read.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come?”

Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening, I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Perhaps she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to another room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very surprised.

“What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr. Brown. “She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone. I said to him, “Is your mother there, David?” and he answered, “No, she is not in the house”. “Where is she then?” I asked. “She is somewhere outside”. “What is she doing?” “She is looking for me.”

She was looking for her husband.

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