Reading Comprehension Test 4th

Додано: 12 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 26 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text :

Wendy is going to have a picnic. She writes a card to her friends. “Dear Jill and Sam. Please come to my house at 9 o’clock on Sunday. Take your swimming things. Best wishes, Wendy.”

The children are happy. Jill is going to wear her new shorts and a T-shirt. She is going to take her camera. Sam is going to take his diving things. He likes diving and watching fish.

It’s Sunday. Wendy’s father is going to take the children in his boat. He has got a map. He says, “First we are going to go along the river, under the bridges and past the fish market. Then we are going to go round the castle. You can take photos. Next we are going to go onto the beach and have a picnic.”

They all go into the boat but suddenly it starts raining. Oh, no! What a pity!

Choose which of the statements are true(5).

варіанти відповідей

Sam writes a card to his friends.

Jill is going to take pictures.

Sam is going to dive.

It’s the day off.

They are going to sail.

There are no bridges and a fish market.

The weather is lovely.

They are going to go round the castle

Запитання 2

Read the text :

King:    Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen:  Welcome, Rik.

Rik:   You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen:  Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland. There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King:    There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik:       Are there other lakes in Norland?

King:     Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik:        Is there water in the rivers?

King:      No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen:   Ah! Here's Mago, our magician Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an answer to this problem?

Mago:     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.

Choose the correct answer.

Rik is the prince of …...  

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

Read the text :

King:    Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen:  Welcome, Rik.

Rik:   You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen:  Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland. There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King:    There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik:       Are there other lakes in Norland?

King:     Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik:        Is there water in the rivers?

King:      No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen:   Ah! Here's Mago, our magician Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an answer to this problem?

Mago:     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.

Choose the correct answer.

Norland is a ….. country.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Read the text :

King:    Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen:  Welcome, Rik.

Rik:   You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen:  Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland. There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King:    There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik:       Are there other lakes in Norland?

King:     Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik:        Is there water in the rivers?

King:      No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen:   Ah! Here's Mago, our magician Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an answer to this problem?

Mago:     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.

Choose the correct answer.

There's no …. in Norland.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Read the text :

King:    Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen:  Welcome, Rik.

Rik:   You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen:  Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland. There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King:    There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik:       Are there other lakes in Norland?

King:     Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik:        Is there water in the rivers?

King:      No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen:   Ah! Here's Mago, our magician Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an answer to this problem?

Mago:     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.

Choose the correct answer.

Talos is the name of the………..

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

Read the text :

King:    Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen:  Welcome, Rik.

Rik:   You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen:  Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland. There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King:    There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik:       Are there other lakes in Norland?

King:     Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik:        Is there water in the rivers?

King:      No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen:   Ah! Here's Mago, our magician Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an answer to this problem?

Mago:     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.

Choose the correct answer.

There are ……… lakes in Norland.

варіанти відповідей



not any

Запитання 7

Read the text :

King:    Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen:  Welcome, Rik.

Rik:   You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen:  Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland. There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King:    There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik:       Are there other lakes in Norland?

King:     Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik:        Is there water in the rivers?

King:      No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen:   Ah! Here's Mago, our magician Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an answer to this problem?

Mago:     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.

Choose the correct answer.

There is ………. water in the rivers.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

Read the text :

King:    Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen:  Welcome, Rik.

Rik:   You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen:  Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland. There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King:    There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik:       Are there other lakes in Norland?

King:     Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik:        Is there water in the rivers?

King:      No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen:   Ah! Here's Mago, our magician Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an answer to this problem?

Mago:     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.

Choose the correct answer.

Mago is a ……….

варіанти відповідей




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