Reading comrehention.

Додано: 19 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading comrehention.
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and do the tasks

A Miracle

Untill a certain moment in my life I had been a care-free man whose main ambition was to sleep and eat well, party like there was no tomorrow and earn the fortune.. I worked only when I needed more money, which was possible as I was up- and- coming novelist. So instead of writing books regulary , I used to waste my time away meeting my friends, shopping or going on holidays.

Once a friend of mine talked me inti visitting the Philippines, saying what a lovely place it was to see. I agreed without hesitation and so we left.

1.Which of these statements are false about the narrator?

варіанти відповідей

A.He was a party animal

B.He had no second thoughts about visiting the Philippines

C.He was on his way to becoming a successful writer

D.He encouraged his friend to go to the Philippines

Запитання 2

My friend was a doctor and we learnt the value of it very soon.Three days into our stay in the island , a terribly destructive typhoon struck.There had been warning but we were too busy partying to take any notice.When the typhoon came we were sleeping in our hotel and were woken up by people screaming and building falling down.I was stunned that something like that could happen to me.We ran downstairs and were trying to find a place to hide.The wind and rain were overpowering and what we could see through a small window in our hidingplace was total chaos.After the typhoon died down we were allowed out and what I witnessed has stayed with me ever since.There were hundreds of people looking for their nearest and dearest, crying and shouting their names out. Most of people had got injuries,thousands of people had died while the wind was ragging on the island.Most houses and shops were hard to recognize.I was standing in the middle of the street and was lost for words.

2.What surprised the narrator the most?

варіанти відповідей

A The fact that he had been told about the coming typhoon

B The fact that he was in the middle of such a disaster

CThe fact that he could find a safe place to hide from the typhoon

D The strength of the wind

Запитання 3

There were many injured people who needed our help.Here and there my friend helped people:stopped bleeding, tenderly carried the injured people etc....untill the rescue team arrived on the island... Then it dawned to me how self-centered I was and how little I contributed to aiding people in need before.When I came back home I decided to devoote all my life to charity work.I changed into another being.

3.From the text we learnt that the narrator

варіанти відповідей

A changed after the incident

B was able to give first aid

C remained selfisg despite the experience

D believed his survival was a miracle

Запитання 4

I've always been interested in typhoons, mainly I live in Philippines and we get affected by strong winds very often. A typhoon is a mature tropical cyclone that is coomon to the

western part of the North Pacific Ocean.There are no official typhoon seasons we can tell when a tropical cyclone can hit.Even children in Philippine schools learn about the requirementsfor typhoon formation.The cyclone developes when six criteria are met: when the surface of the sea heats up, the temperature of the air fluctuates,the air is humid, there is a low front, the winds are not horizontal and there's enough Coriolis force.

4.One of the factor that helps the typhoon form is

варіанти відповідей

A changing air temperature

B a decrease of the temperature on the eas surface

C dry air

D a high front

Запитання 5

In the Philippines we receive the worst part of the cyclone force so the island makes all the efforts to protect itself from the disastrous effects of the winds and torrential rains. But there is little people can do to save houses and lives.Such is the power of the cyclone that all one can do is observe the changing weather, issue warnings and evacuate the area in time. Houses won't be rescued but human beings will survive.

5.Which of these statements is an opinion not a fact according to the text.

варіанти відповідей

A Typhoons are the strongest in the Philippines

B The authorities try to protect the island as well as possible

C People should leave the area before the typhoon strikes

D Philippine children study about typgoon at school

Запитання 6

Read the text and put the sentences into the proper place. You do not need 2 sentences

Amazonia- our treasure

A.So imagine what we could gain if all of them were examined

B.As soon as they do it they will realize the destruction

C.However people do not realize that the land without trees is not firtile for longer than a year or two.

D. One of them is that around 80% of the food we consume originally came from the rainforests

E.Unfortunately nothing can be done about it anymore

Tropical forests cover about 6%of the Erth surface but they are homes for more than half of the world's total plant and animal species.The biggest tropical forest is Amazonia rainforest, which is to be found in Brazil,Peru,Ecuador,, Bolivia and smaller part in some other South American countries.

There are facts you may not have heard about which make this part of the world unique. 1_____The examples include coffee, chocolate,rice,tomatoes,potatoes,bananas,black pepper,pineapplea and corn.There are still over two thousand species of fruit that only the indgenous people make use of.

20 % of the medicines have their origions in the rainforests.

1% of the rainforest plants have medicinal properties.

2_________What's more, the rainforests have a cooling effect on the global climate as it absorbs a lot of heat from the Sun .

But the most incredible fact is that people continue to destroy the area by cutting down one and a half acres of its trees every second.The deforestation is carried to make way to farmland.3________________________. It's not too late to save thisregion.People would really be better off if they explored the rainforests and its plant species for culinary medicinal properties rather than cut down what is the garanteed income.

варіанти відповідей

1.D. One of them is that around 80% of the food we consume originally came from the rainforests

2.A.So imagine what we could gain if all of them were examined

3.C.However people do not realize that the land without trees is not firtile for longer than a year or two.

Запитання 7

Choose the word that fits both sentences

7.Anna is planning to _____a course of English literature

We always __________ our best at school

варіанти відповідей

A take

B do

C make

Запитання 8

8.____do you call it in English?

_____is your best friend like?

варіанти відповідей

A How

B Who

C What

Запитання 9

9.You should __________everybody about the changes

It's impossible to ________ difference between these twins

варіанти відповідей

A inform

B say

C tell

Запитання 10

10.I've been studing English for _____________ a year.

It took me ages to get ____ the flu last year.

варіанти відповідей

A about

B over

C around

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