Reading different texts

Додано: 4 травня 2020
Тест виконано: 47 разів
7 запитань
Запитання 1

In a televised address to the nation on March 23, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced unprecedented limits on where and how people can meet and gather during the continuing coronavirus. The lockdown officially started the next day. The measures introduced are some of the most draconian the UK has ever faced and have resulted in a huge shift in how people behave. “The critical thing we must do is stop the disease spreading between households,” Johnson said in his speech.



This paragraph is about:

варіанти відповідей

British television

British political system

Problems of human behaviour

British medical reform

Self-isolation due to pandemic spread

Запитання 2

We’re only a few weeks into our new coronavirus reality of social distancing and self-isolation, and already people are coming up with creative ways to cope. It’s obviously been disappointing for many fans to have concerts from their favorite artists canceled or postponed – but that doesn’t mean you can’t go to a show. Here’s a running list of musicians, from John Legend to Katharine McPhee, who are putting out the kind of content the world needs right now. (


This paragraph is about:

варіанти відповідей

British television

Problems of human behaviour

British medical reform

Self-isolation due to pandemic spread

Organizing online concerts

Запитання 3

More than 1,000 firefighters have been sent to extinguish new fires that broke out in the radiation-contaminated area around the defunct Chernobyl nuclear plant. Three new fires broke out on April 16 and were continuing to burn on April 17 but were "not large-scale and not threatening," Ukrainian officials said. Gusty winds fanning the flames have made it harder to put them out. (

This paragraph is about:

варіанти відповідей

Firefighter’s job

Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe

Ecological disaster in Chernobyl area

Ukrainian official policy

Fireworks in April

Запитання 4

Insults, threats, emotional abuse and sexual coercion all constitute domestic violence. Some family tyrants may even use children, pets, or other family members as emotional force to get their victim to do what they want. Victims of domestic violence experience diminished self-worth, anxiety, depression, and a general sense of helplessness that can take time and often professional help to overcome.


This paragraph is about:

варіанти відповідей

Crime and punishment

Criminal situation in the country

Family violence

Human psychological problems

Social tyranny

Запитання 5

All teachers need to understand how to provide for students with special needs. There are an estimated 6.6 million special needs students in our schools today, making up 13% of our school population. How can we make sure that all teachers are prepared for special needs students, especially when the majority of teachers are not certified special education teachers, nor may engage in regular training related to special education. (ttps://   

This paragraph is about:

варіанти відповідей

Teaching students with disabilities

Teaching primary school children

The diversity of school population

Modern education problems

Teachers’ training

Запитання 6

The introduction of "learning teams" into the classroom is an effective method for increasing the number of students willing to make an effort to learn in school. The teams usually work together on long-term tasks. In these groups, each individual is responsible for assuring that the other team members learn the assigned material. Those who understand the lesson/material are responsible for teaching it to the others. Groups progress to a new unit of study when all members of the group have mastered the lesson.


This paragraph is about:

варіанти відповідей

Teaching primary school children

The diversity of school population

Modern education problems

Teachers’ training

Cooperative learning

Запитання 7

Direct bullying is a combination of both verbal and physical bullying. Verbal bullying involves spoken comments or written information that is emotionally damaging to the targeted student. Physical bullying consists of physically harming a student or their possessions. An example of direct bullying is hitting a student while also calling them rude names or using foul language. (   

This paragraph is about:

варіанти відповідей

Domestic violence

Modern education problems

Teaching speaking and writing

Types of students’ harassment

Cooperative learning

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