Reading (II term) - 7th form

Додано: 25 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading (II term) - 7th form
Тест виконано: 29 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the texts and match them with the questions.

«Raiders of the Lost Ark»

Being also known as «Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark», the film won four Academy Awards and is famous for special effects in action movies.

«The Matrix»

«The Matrix» is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever. It also set a new standard in Hollywood for fight scenes.

«Rear Window»

Many critics believe that «Rear Window» is Alfred Hitchcock's best film. They also call it culturally and historically significant.

«The Godfather»

«The Godfather» has been recognized as one of the greatest movies ever made. It had one of the greatest casts, screenplays, and directors of all time. So critics speak about the significant effect it had on western culture.


Which of the movies...

a) has greatly influenced western culture?



варіанти відповідей

 «Raiders of the Lost Ark»

 «The Matrix»

 «Rear Window»

  «The Godfather»

Запитання 2

Read the texts and match them with the questions.

«Raiders of the Lost Ark»

Being also known as «Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark», the film won four Academy Awards and is famous for special effects in action movies.

«The Matrix»

«The Matrix» is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever. It also set a new standard in Hollywood for fight scenes.

«Rear Window»

Many critics believe that «Rear Window» is Alfred Hitchcock's best film. They also call it culturally and historically significant.

«The Godfather»

«The Godfather» has been recognized as one of the greatest movies ever made. It had one of the greatest casts, screenplays, and directors of all time. So critics speak about the significant effect it had on western culture.


Which of the movies...

b) is believed to be the best film of a famous director?

варіанти відповідей

«Raiders of the Lost Ark»

«The Matrix»

«Rear Window»

«The Godfather»

Запитання 3

Read the texts and match them with the questions.

«Raiders of the Lost Ark»

Being also known as «Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark», the film won four Academy Awards and is famous for special effects in action movies.

«The Matrix»

«The Matrix» is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever. It also set a new standard in Hollywood for fight scenes.

«Rear Window»

Many critics believe that «Rear Window» is Alfred Hitchcock's best film. They also call it culturally and historically significant.

«The Godfather»

«The Godfather» has been recognized as one of the greatest movies ever made. It had one of the greatest casts, screenplays, and directors of all time. So critics speak about the significant effect it had on western culture.


Which of the movies...

c) got four Oscars?

варіанти відповідей

«Raiders of the Lost Ark»

«The Matrix»

«Rear Window»

«The Godfather»

Запитання 4

Read the texts and match them with the questions.

«Raiders of the Lost Ark»

Being also known as «Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark», the film won four Academy Awards and is famous for special effects in action movies.

«The Matrix»

«The Matrix» is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever. It also set a new standard in Hollywood for fight scenes.

«Rear Window»

Many critics believe that «Rear Window» is Alfred Hitchcock's best film. They also call it culturally and historically significant.

«The Godfather»

«The Godfather» has been recognized as one of the greatest movies ever made. It had one of the greatest casts, screenplays, and directors of all time. So critics speak about the significant effect it had on western culture.


Which of the movies...

d) is one of the best in the genre of science fiction?

варіанти відповідей

«Raiders of the Lost Ark»

«The Matrix»

«Rear Window»

«The Godfather»

Запитання 5

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 1.

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to 1)..... by 2)........ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis. 3)....... classes are helpful too. Being 4)....... can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to 5)....... and loose 6)....... . Another problem for our health is 7)....... There are simple 8)....... techniques which help our life style.

варіанти відповідей

Go on a diet




Keep fit




Запитання 6

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 2.

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to 1)..... by 2)........ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis. 3)....... classes are helpful too. Being 4)....... can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to 5)....... and loose 6)....... . Another problem for our health is 7)....... There are simple 8)....... techniques which help our life style.

варіанти відповідей

Go on a diet




Keep fit




Запитання 7

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 3.

Peopleare much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to 1)..... by 2)........ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis. 3)....... classes are helpful too. Being 4)....... can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to 5)....... and loose 6)....... . Another problem for our health is 7)....... There are simple 8)....... techniques which help our life style.

варіанти відповідей

Go on a diet




Keep fit




Запитання 8

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 4.

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to 1)..... by 2)........ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis. 3)....... classes are helpful too. Being 4)....... can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to 5)....... and loose 6)....... . Another problem for our health is 7)....... There are simple 8)....... techniques which help our life style.

варіанти відповідей

Go on a diet




Keep fit




Запитання 9

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 5.

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to 1) ..... by 2)........ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis. 3)....... classes are helpful too. Being 4)....... can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to 5)....... and loose 6)....... . Another problem for our health is 7)....... There are simple 8)....... techniques which help our life style.

варіанти відповідей

Go on a diet




Keep fit




Запитання 10

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 6.

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to 1)..... by 2)........ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis. 3)....... classes are helpful too. Being 4)....... can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to 5)....... and loose 6)....... . Another problem for our health is 7)....... There are simple 8)....... techniques which help our life style.

варіанти відповідей

Go on a diet




Keep fit




Запитання 11

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 7.

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to 1).... by 2)........ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis. 3)....... classes are helpful too. Being 4)....... can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to 5)....... and loose 6)....... . Another problem for our health is 7)....... There are simple 8)....... techniques which help our life style.

варіанти відповідей

Go on a diet




Keep fit




Запитання 12

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words in sentence 8.

People are much more interested in their health these days. Many people try to 1).... by 2)........ in the park or going swimming or by playing tennis. 3)....... classes are helpful too. Being 4)....... can be dangerous for health, so many doctors recommend to 5)....... and loose 6)....... . Another problem for our health is 7)....... There are simple 8)....... techniques which help our life style.

варіанти відповідей

Go on a diet




Keep fit




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