Reading Jobs and professions Grade 9

Додано: 1 грудня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text

Meet Mark. He’s a usual 15-year-old teenager. Last year he wanted to try a summer job. He is a very sociable and active guy, so he decided to work as a mystery shopper during his summer holidays. He really enjoyed it, that’s why he continued his career. Now he spends about 2-3 hours a day at work - his task is to make purchases at the different shops, ask questions about products or service - just like a regular customer. But nobody should guess that he’s a mystery shopper! His boss usually gives him some money to buy all necessary items, and it’s important not to spend more and to keep all the receipts he gets during his working day. He also has to write reports about his shopping experience every day - and that’s the most boring part of his job. But in general, he is really excited to be a mystery shopper. 

Read the sentences about Mark and his job. Which of them are true and which are false? 

Mark is a mystery shopper whose task is to check the customer service. 

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Запитання 2

Read the text

Meet Mark. He’s a usual 15-year-old teenager. Last year he wanted to try a summer job. He is a very sociable and active guy, so he decided to work as a mystery shopper during his summer holidays. He really enjoyed it, that’s why he continued his career. Now he spends about 2-3 hours a day at work - his task is to make purchases at the different shops, ask questions about products or service - just like a regular customer. But nobody should guess that he’s a mystery shopper! His boss usually gives him some money to buy all necessary items, and it’s important not to spend more and to keep all the receipts he gets during his working day. He also has to write reports about his shopping experience every day - and that’s the most boring part of his job. But in general, he is really excited to be a mystery shopper. 

Read the sentences about Mark and his job. Which of them are true and which are false? 

He usually doesn’t speak to anybody in the shops where he makes purchases. 

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Запитання 3

Read the text

Meet Mark. He’s a usual 15-year-old teenager. Last year he wanted to try a summer job. He is a very sociable and active guy, so he decided to work as a mystery shopper during his summer holidays. He really enjoyed it, that’s why he continued his career. Now he spends about 2-3 hours a day at work - his task is to make purchases at the different shops, ask questions about products or service - just like a regular customer. But nobody should guess that he’s a mystery shopper! His boss usually gives him some money to buy all necessary items, and it’s important not to spend more and to keep all the receipts he gets during his working day. He also has to write reports about his shopping experience every day - and that’s the most boring part of his job. But in general, he is really excited to be a mystery shopper. 

Read the sentences about Mark and his job. Which of them are true and which are false? 

It’s important he doesn’t tell anyone that he’s a mystery shopper when he works. 

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Запитання 4

Read the text

Meet Mark. He’s a usual 15-year-old teenager. Last year he wanted to try a summer job. He is a very sociable and active guy, so he decided to work as a mystery shopper during his summer holidays. He really enjoyed it, that’s why he continued his career. Now he spends about 2-3 hours a day at work - his task is to make purchases at the different shops, ask questions about products or service - just like a regular customer. But nobody should guess that he’s a mystery shopper! His boss usually gives him some money to buy all necessary items, and it’s important not to spend more and to keep all the receipts he gets during his working day. He also has to write reports about his shopping experience every day - and that’s the most boring part of his job. But in general, he is really excited to be a mystery shopper. 

Read the sentences about Mark and his job. Which of them are true and which are false? 

He can only spend money that his boss gives. 

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Запитання 5

Read the text

Meet Mark. He’s a usual 15-year-old teenager. Last year he wanted to try a summer job. He is a very sociable and active guy, so he decided to work as a mystery shopper during his summer holidays. He really enjoyed it, that’s why he continued his career. Now he spends about 2-3 hours a day at work - his task is to make purchases at the different shops, ask questions about products or service - just like a regular customer. But nobody should guess that he’s a mystery shopper! His boss usually gives him some money to buy all necessary items, and it’s important not to spend more and to keep all the receipts he gets during his working day. He also has to write reports about his shopping experience every day - and that’s the most boring part of his job. But in general, he is really excited to be a mystery shopper. 

Read the sentences about Mark and his job. Which of them are true and which are false? 

It’s not necessary to keep all the receipts which he gets for his purchases. 

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