Reading Kyiv (5)

Додано: 26 квітня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading Kyiv (5)
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Do the tasks after it.


   Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is the largest city in Ukraine. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago. The population of Kyiv is three million people.

It is situated on the banks of the Dnieper river. The Dnieper is the biggest Ukrainian river. There are several bridges across the Dnieper.

  Khreschatyk is the main street of the capital. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. There are many different shops on its both sides. People like the main street because it is nice and green.

  Maidan Nezalezhnosti (or "Independence Square") is the central square of Kyiv. It is а very beautiful place with lots of people walking around.

   Kyiv is the cultural and educational centre of our country. There are many universities, schools, colleges, museums, theatres, cinemas, libraries and places of interest there.

   The city is very green. There are many parks in Kyiv. A lot of trees grow in its streets. The symbol of Kyiv is a chestnut leaf.

Task 1. Read the sentence. Write True or False

1. Kyiv is the capital of our country.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2


   Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is the largest city in Ukraine. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago. The population of Kyiv is three million people.

It is situated on the banks of the Dnieper river. The Dnieper is the biggest Ukrainian river. There are several bridges across the Dnieper.

  Khreschatyk is the main street of the capital. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. There are many different shops on its both sides. People like the main street because it is nice and green.

  Maidan Nezalezhnosti (or "Independence Square") is the central square of Kyiv. It is а very beautiful place with lots of people walking around.

   Kyiv is the cultural and educational centre of our country. There are many universities, schools, colleges, museums, theatres, cinemas, libraries and places of interest there.

   The city is very green. There are many parks in Kyiv. A lot of trees grow in its streets. The symbol of Kyiv is a chestnut leaf.

2. Kyiv was founded more than two thousand and six hundred years ago.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

3. The population of the city is 3. 000 000 people.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

4. Khreschatyk is the central square of Kyiv.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5


   Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is the largest city in Ukraine. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago. The population of Kyiv is three million people.

It is situated on the banks of the Dnieper river. The Dnieper is the biggest Ukrainian river. There are several bridges across the Dnieper.

  Khreschatyk is the main street of the capital. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. There are many different shops on its both sides. People like the main street because it is nice and green.

  Maidan Nezalezhnosti (or "Independence Square") is the central square of Kyiv. It is а very beautiful place with lots of people walking around.

   Kyiv is the cultural and educational centre of our country. There are many universities, schools, colleges, museums, theatres, cinemas, libraries and places of interest there.

   The city is very green. There are many parks in Kyiv. A lot of trees grow in its streets. The symbol of Kyiv is a chestnut leaf.


5. There are many universities, schools, colleges, museums, theatres, cinemas, libraries and places of interest there.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

1. Kyiv was founded more than ... years ago. 

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

Kyiv is situated on the banks of ... 

варіанти відповідей

the Desna river

the Dniester river

the Dnieper river

Запитання 8

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

3. Khreschatyk is ....

варіанти відповідей

wide and straight

not very long, but it is wide and straight

very long

Запитання 9

Task 2. Finish the sentences:

4.  Maidan Nezalezhnosti is ... of Kyiv. 



варіанти відповідей

the central street

  the central square

 the central park

Запитання 10


   Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is the largest city in Ukraine. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago. The population of Kyiv is three million people.

It is situated on the banks of the Dnieper river. The Dnieper is the biggest Ukrainian river. There are several bridges across the Dnieper.

  Khreschatyk is the main street of the capital. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. There are many different shops on its both sides. People like the main street because it is nice and green.

  Maidan Nezalezhnosti (or "Independence Square") is the central square of Kyiv. It is а very beautiful place with lots of people walking around.

   Kyiv is the cultural and educational centre of our country. There are many universities, schools, colleges, museums, theatres, cinemas, libraries and places of interest there.

   The city is very green. There are many parks in Kyiv. A lot of trees grow in its streets. The symbol of Kyiv is a chestnut leaf

.Task 2. Finish the sentences:

There are many... 

варіанти відповідей

universities, schools, colleges, museums, theaters, cinemas, libraries and places of interest there   

 universities, schools, colleges, museums, theaters, cinemas there


museums, theaters, cinemas, libraries and places of interest there

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