Reading Science

Додано: 25 січня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 252 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

I a bid to save up to 20% on energy use, the European Commission is bringing in some new regulations. Manufacturers wil be 1) . . . . . . to make their products more energy efficient. One area that has been especially targeted is the massive energy waste from appliances that have a standby mode - like TVs and DVDs - and other electrical goods that use electricity even when they're not in 2)..... .Also, there wil be more information 3)...... on exactly how energy efficient or not electrical appliances are. The measures could save up to €100 billion by 2020. So, what do consumers need to know?

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Запитання 2

I a bid to save up to 20% on energy use, the European Commission is bringing in some new regulations. Manufacturers wil be 1) . . . . . . to make their products more energy efficient. One area that has been especially targeted is the massive energy waste from appliances that have a standby mode - like TVs and DVDs - and other electrical goods that use electricity even when they're not in 2)..... .Also, there wil be more information 3)...... on exactly how energy efficient or not electrical appliances are. The measures could save up to €100 billion by 2020. So, what do consumers need to know?

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Запитання 3

I a bid to save up to 20% on energy use, the European Commission is bringing in some new regulations. Manufacturers wil be 1) . . . . . . to make their products more energy efficient. One area that has been especially targeted is the massive energy waste from appliances that have a standby mode - like TVs and DVDs - and other electrical goods that use electricity even when they're not in 2)..... .Also, there wil be more information 3)...... on exactly how energy efficient or not electrical appliances are. The measures could save up to €100 billion by 2020. So, what do consumers need to know?

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Запитання 4

Many of the electrical appliances we use in the home 4) . . . .. huge amounts of energy. This is made worse by the 5) .. that most of them are not energy efficient. Water and heating boilers, for example, are the worst culprits. Another energy guzzler is our fridge freezer as it is working 24/7*. In fact, everything we use in our home from thetelevision to the washing machine is using much more electricity than is necessary. So when you buy a new appliance 6) . . . . the labelling to find out how energy efficient the product is. Even your lightbulbs! An energy efficient lightbulb is much cheaper to use and 7) ..... twelve times longer than a standard one. You can save up to 30% on your electricity 8) .... . by using

energy efficient appliances.

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eat up

take up

end on

put on

Запитання 5

Many of the electrical appliances we use in the home 4) . . . .. huge amounts of energy. This is made worse by the 5) .. that most of them are not energy efficient. Water and heating boilers, for example, are the worst culprits. Another energy guzzler is our fridge freezer as it is working 24/7*. In fact, everything we use in our home from thetelevision to the washing machine is using much more electricity than is necessary. So when you buy a new appliance 6) . . . . the labelling to find out how energy efficient the product is. Even your lightbulbs! An energy efficient lightbulb is much cheaper to use and 7) ..... twelve times longer than a standard one. You can save up to 30% on your electricity 8) .... . by using

energy efficient appliances.

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Запитання 6

Many of the electrical appliances we use in the home 4) . . . .. huge amounts of energy. This is made worse by the 5) .. that most of them are not energy efficient. Water and heating boilers, for example, are the worst culprits. Another energy guzzler is our fridge freezer as it is working 24/7*. In fact, everything we use in our home from thetelevision to the washing machine is using much more electricity than is necessary. So when you buy a new appliance 6) . . . . the labelling to find out how energy efficient the product is. Even your lightbulbs! An energy efficient lightbulb is much cheaper to use and 7) ..... twelve times longer than a standard one. You can save up to 30% on your electricity 8) .... . by using

energy efficient appliances.

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Запитання 7

Many of the electrical appliances we use in the home 4) . . . .. huge amounts of energy. This is made worse by the 5) .. that most of them are not energy efficient. Water and heating boilers, for example, are the worst culprits. Another energy guzzler is our fridge freezer as it is working 24/7*. In fact, everything we use in our home from thetelevision to the washing machine is using much more electricity than is necessary. So when you buy a new appliance 6) . . . . the labelling to find out how energy efficient the product is. Even your lightbulbs! An energy efficient lightbulb is much cheaper to use and 7) ..... twelve times longer than a standard one. You can save up to 30% on your electricity 8) .... . by using

energy efficient appliances.

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Запитання 8

Many of the electrical appliances we use in the home 4) . . . .. huge amounts of energy. This is made worse by the 5) .. that most of them are not energy efficient. Water and heating boilers, for example, are the worst culprits. Another energy guzzler is our fridge freezer as it is working 24/7*. In fact, everything we use in our home from thetelevision to the washing machine is using much more electricity than is necessary. So when you buy a new appliance 6) . . . . the labelling to find out how energy efficient the product is. Even your lightbulbs! An energy efficient lightbulb is much cheaper to use and 7) ..... twelve times longer than a standard one. You can save up to 30% on your electricity 8) .... . by using

energy efficient appliances.

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Запитання 9

Have you ever 9) ...... your mobile phone charger plugged in even after you've recharged your phone? If you touch it, it will be warm. This is because it's still using electricity, just like your TV and DVD when they're on standby. Leaving things plugged in, or switched on while you're not using them is 10) .... you money and wasting energy.

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Запитання 10

Have you ever 9) ...... your mobile phone charger plugged in even after you've recharged your phone? If you touch it, it will be warm. This is because it's still using electricity, just like your TV and DVD when they're on standby. Leaving things plugged in, or switched on while you're not using them is 10) .... you money and wasting energy.

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Запитання 11

By using energy efficient electrical goods and turning them of and unplugging them, we can help to 11)......carbon emissions which cause climate 12) ..

So, go on - save yourself a lot of money and the planet as well.

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cut down



Запитання 12

By using energy efficient electrical goods and turning them of and unplugging them, we can help to 11) ........carbon emissions which cause climate 12) ..

So, go on - save yourself a lot of money and the planet as well.

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