Reading Semester II Form 8

Додано: 4 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 860 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

What kind of books did the woman most enjoy reading?

Woman: When I was young I would read for hours and hours. I loved reading mysteries, although I never read anything with aliens in it. And, of course, my absolute favourites were scary ghost stories.

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Запитання 2

What`s the boy reading about?

Girl: What are you reading? Another football magazine? Oh, I know, something about skateboarding.

Boy: Actually, this is a really interesting science magazine.

Girl: Let me see - what’s that?

Boy: It’s about asteroids hitting Earth.

Girl: Oh, I thought it was a picture of a wheel!

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Запитання 3

What will the girl`s project be about?

Girl: We’re going to be given a project to do after we get back from the museum. I suppose it’ll be about astronauts.

Boy: I don’t think so. I remember Mrs Button saying something about researching planets.

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Запитання 4

Match the title to each paragraph.

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1. Ireland is located on an island. Winters in Ireland are not cold and rivers do not freeze. The summer months of June, July and August are mild. However, the weather is changeable. If you are going to visit Ireland in summer, do not forget to take an umbrella and warm clothes.

2.Most buses in big cities in Ireland have conductors who collect money, but in small places passengers pay the driver. The trains in Ireland are not cheap, but they usually leave on time. Taxis are easy to get although they are rather expensive in comparison to other countries.

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Запитання 5

Match the title to each paragraph.

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3.Irish farmhouse cheeses are very popular gift item. Other products to delight tourists are Irish salmon, netted in autumn, oysters and handmade chocolate.

4.The best place to learn how to get a room in a hotel, change money and much more is your nearest Tourist office. In Dublin city center Tourist office is situated at 14 Upper O'Connel Street, beside the Savoy cinema.

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Запитання 6

Match the title to each paragraph

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5.Ireland has two national stations, RTE1 and Network You can watch different programmes. Most popular are political news, country news, sports and music programmes. People can also enjoy watching drama, films etc.

6. It is impossible to make any statement about the characteristics of the Irish, but they are known for their humour, hospitality, kindness. The Irish know how to have a good time and very often they get enjoyment in the pub to the accompaniment of Irish folk music.

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Запитання 7

Chris shares her thoughts about books and magazines and shares which one she prefers. Read and choose the best answer for the question. 

Why doesn’t Chris read books?

        Chris, Belgium

 I prefer magazines over books because I just cannot spend that much time reading a book. It takes just too much time, and a magazine, well you can read it on the toilet. You can read it on the train. You can read it in the car if you have to wait for somebody. It's much nicer. Time passes by and you don't have to invest that much time, like for example if you would have to read a whole book. 

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Because they take little time.

Because they are not interesting.

Because they take much time.

Because he hasn't books at home

Запитання 8

Read and choose the best answer for the question        

Buddhi, Sri Lanka

Do I prefer books or magazines? I'll say magazines ,short articles, because I don't like to read for too long. I actually don't read for too long, so I prefer short articles or something interesting that would finish quickly. I don't like to read for too long. I know that's a bad habit. I’ve got to work on it but I prefer magazines.

What does Buddhi like in magazines?

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Colour pictures.

She likes books.


Short articles

Запитання 9

Read and choose the best answer for the question. 

       Tom, the UK

I read a lot of books. Magazines ... uh, very pretty and they look nice on the shelf but I almost never look through them. I'm not interested in the advertising, but give me a good book, and I can read it for hours and hours.

 What doesn’t Tom like in magazines?

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Short stories

Запитання 10

Read and choose the best answer for the question. 

Chrystal, the USA

I prefer both. Actually, I like both, but then if I were to choose, I would choose magazines because they're easier and books are ... honestly, they're boring. I fall asleep all the time. They say that magazines are not good for your imagination, so it's really good to read books more when you're a child, but I don't think that's quite necessarily true because magazines also provide a good pictures and colors and I think it's better for imagination.

How can we understand that books are boring for Chrystal?

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 She falls asleep when reading them.

 They aren’t good for her imagination.

She can’t understand them.

She doesn't understand them.

Запитання 11

Read and choose the best answer for the question

David, Kenya

What do I prefer between books or magazines? I'm more into magazines because they're interesting and easy to follow. Both, they are good but you know you have to go to ... I have to go to like a deeper level to it and sometimes it's boring for me.

What does David like better?

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Playing games.

He neither likes books nor magazines.

Запитання 12

Aiste, Lithuania

I think books are really nicer to read, at present I read most books from my major area, and as about magazines, so most of the time I don't read magazines. I just take them and scan them while checking out the pictures and what the major topic out if is it but about reading, I think it's a little bit too shallow.

 What books does Aiste read at present?


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From her major area.

Foreign literature.

Horror literature.

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