Reading Test 7-A

Додано: 17 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 251 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

 1.John is 15 and he lives in Manresa.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

 2.He studies 4 languages.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

 3. His favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

4. He usually wear fashionable clothes.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

5. He lives in a house in the town centre.

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Запитання 6

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

6. His sister studies well.  

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

 7. His mum is an __________ teacher.

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Запитання 8

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

 8. Peter hates __________ and he loves playing football.

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Запитання 9

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

 9.__________ are really clever.

варіанти відповідей

Julia and John

His parents

Henry and Julia

Запитання 10

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

 10. His favourite subjects are __________.

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Запитання 11

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

11. There are _____members in their family.

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Запитання 12

Hi! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa, a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and English. I love languages.

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I love football and basketball. I play football in my school team with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like playing computer games. I usually play computer games three times a week at home.

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.

My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hard-working. Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in 6th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan, Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my friends study in St. John's.

12. What school does John study at?

варіанти відповідей

Secondary School

High School

Primary School

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