Reading "When Does Lightning Strike?"

Додано: 11 січня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 449 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

When there’s a storm, you can measure how far away it is by counting the number of seconds between the flash of lightning that streaks across the sky and the sound of rumbling thunder. Sound travels about one thousand feet in one second (1)______. You should multiply one thousand by the number of seconds you counted and you can determine (2)______ .

Lightning used to terrify prehistoric people because they didn’t know how to protect themselves from it. But by setting trees on fire it gave them fire long before they had discovered (3)______ . The people of ancient times used to believe that lightning was a sign of the gods’ anger sent to earth (4)______.

Humans later learned to protect themselves from these electric bolts from the sky (5)______ . Though lightning is a dangerous natural force that sets trees on fire and electrocutes people with massive electric shocks, there’s one thunderbolt that remains entirely pleasant: the thunderbolt (6)______.

варіанти відповідей


by installing lightning rods on their rooftops


that hits us when we fall in love at first sight


while lightning is visible practically instantly


to discuss thunderstorm safety with all members


how to produce it by rubbing firestones together


to punish them or warn them to behave themselves


how many feet are to the place where lightning struck


while thunderstorms are associated with severe weather

Запитання 2

When there’s a storm, you can measure how far away it is by counting the number of seconds between the flash of lightning that streaks across the sky and the sound of rumbling thunder. Sound travels about one thousand feet in one second (1)______. You should multiply one thousand by the number of seconds you counted and you can determine (2)______ .

Lightning used to terrify prehistoric people because they didn’t know how to protect themselves from it. But by setting trees on fire it gave them fire long before they had discovered (3)______ . The people of ancient times used to believe that lightning was a sign of the gods’ anger sent to earth (4)______.

Humans later learned to protect themselves from these electric bolts from the sky (5)______ . Though lightning is a dangerous natural force that sets trees on fire and electrocutes people with massive electric shocks, there’s one thunderbolt that remains entirely pleasant: the thunderbolt (6)______.

варіанти відповідей


by installing lightning rods on their rooftops


that hits us when we fall in love at first sight


while lightning is visible practically instantly


to discuss thunderstorm safety with all members


how to produce it by rubbing firestones together


to punish them or warn them to behave themselves


how many feet are to the place where lightning struck


while thunderstorms are associated with severe weather

Запитання 3

When there’s a storm, you can measure how far away it is by counting the number of seconds between the flash of lightning that streaks across the sky and the sound of rumbling thunder. Sound travels about one thousand feet in one second (1)______. You should multiply one thousand by the number of seconds you counted and you can determine (2)______ .

Lightning used to terrify prehistoric people because they didn’t know how to protect themselves from it. But by setting trees on fire it gave them fire long before they had discovered (3)______ . The people of ancient times used to believe that lightning was a sign of the gods’ anger sent to earth (4)______.

Humans later learned to protect themselves from these electric bolts from the sky (5)______ . Though lightning is a dangerous natural force that sets trees on fire and electrocutes people with massive electric shocks, there’s one thunderbolt that remains entirely pleasant: the thunderbolt (6)______.

варіанти відповідей


by installing lightning rods on their rooftops


that hits us when we fall in love at first sight


while lightning is visible practically instantly


to discuss thunderstorm safety with all members


how to produce it by rubbing firestones together


to punish them or warn them to behave themselves


how many feet are to the place where lightning struck


while thunderstorms are associated with severe weather

Запитання 4

When there’s a storm, you can measure how far away it is by counting the number of seconds between the flash of lightning that streaks across the sky and the sound of rumbling thunder. Sound travels about one thousand feet in one second (1)______. You should multiply one thousand by the number of seconds you counted and you can determine (2)______ .

Lightning used to terrify prehistoric people because they didn’t know how to protect themselves from it. But by setting trees on fire it gave them fire long before they had discovered (3)______ . The people of ancient times used to believe that lightning was a sign of the gods’ anger sent to earth (4)______.

Humans later learned to protect themselves from these electric bolts from the sky (5)______ . Though lightning is a dangerous natural force that sets trees on fire and electrocutes people with massive electric shocks, there’s one thunderbolt that remains entirely pleasant: the thunderbolt (6)______.


варіанти відповідей


by installing lightning rods on their rooftops


that hits us when we fall in love at first sight


while lightning is visible practically instantly


to discuss thunderstorm safety with all members


how to produce it by rubbing firestones together


to punish them or warn them to behave themselves


how many feet are to the place where lightning struck


while thunderstorms are associated with severe weather

Запитання 5

When there’s a storm, you can measure how far away it is by counting the number of seconds between the flash of lightning that streaks across the sky and the sound of rumbling thunder. Sound travels about one thousand feet in one second (1)______. You should multiply one thousand by the number of seconds you counted and you can determine (2)______ .

Lightning used to terrify prehistoric people because they didn’t know how to protect themselves from it. But by setting trees on fire it gave them fire long before they had discovered (3)______ . The people of ancient times used to believe that lightning was a sign of the gods’ anger sent to earth (4)______.

Humans later learned to protect themselves from these electric bolts from the sky (5)______ . Though lightning is a dangerous natural force that sets trees on fire and electrocutes people with massive electric shocks, there’s one thunderbolt that remains entirely pleasant: the thunderbolt (6)______.

варіанти відповідей


by installing lightning rods on their rooftops


that hits us when we fall in love at first sight


while lightning is visible practically instantly


to discuss thunderstorm safety with all members


how to produce it by rubbing firestones together


to punish them or warn them to behave themselves


how many feet are to the place where lightning struck


while thunderstorms are associated with severe weather

Запитання 6

When there’s a storm, you can measure how far away it is by counting the number of seconds between the flash of lightning that streaks across the sky and the sound of rumbling thunder. Sound travels about one thousand feet in one second (33)______. You should multiply one thousand by the number of seconds you counted and you can determine (34)______ .

Lightning used to terrify prehistoric people because they didn’t know how to protect themselves from it. But by setting trees on fire it gave them fire long before they had discovered (35)______ . The people of ancient times used to believe that lightning was a sign of the gods’ anger sent to earth (36)______.

Humans later learned to protect themselves from these electric bolts from the sky (37)______ . Though lightning is a dangerous natural force that sets trees on fire and electrocutes people with massive electric shocks, there’s one thunderbolt that remains entirely pleasant: the thunderbolt (38)______.

варіанти відповідей


by installing lightning rods on their rooftops


that Bhits us when we fall in love at first sight


while lightning is visible practically instantly


to discuss thunderstorm safety with all members


how to produce it by rubbing firestones together


to punish them or warn them to behave themselves


how many feet are to the place where lightning struck


while thunderstorms are associated with severe weather

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