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Додано: 9 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 145 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and do the tasks.


Today, music is especially available to us all. No matter what our tastes are - whether we like soul, blues, pop reggae,urban or any other type of music- we can tune into a radio station and hear it, or go on line and dounload.But it hasn't been that easy before.

When rock and pop was starting to become very popular in 1960s, there wasn't many radio stations at the time that only played music, and the few that did weren't playing the type of music that young people really wanted to hear.The BBC radio presenters were allowed less than one hour a day.What happened next had an enormous effect not only on the musical tastes of the young people but also on the developing of music itself.Pirate radio was born.

What exactly was and is pirate radio? Rhe name speaks for itself.DJs started to broadcast non-stop music from boats at sea. By transmitting from international waters the DJs weren't breaking any laws and the governement couldn't close them down. A lot of people didn't like this, because the pirate radio was competeing with normal radio stations for audiences.Besides the DJs on the boats had a very relaxed way of presenting and there were a lot of stories about the ways they lived on the boats. They were blamed for badly influencing a whole generation of teenagers.Parents and politicians were very angry.

The film"The boat that rocked" which came out in 2009 shows the life on board of one of these ships in great detail. Though the film did badly financially at the box office, it is worth watching for anyone interested in the 1960s and its music. It is based on the life of DJs on the first pirate ship"Radio Caroline''. This ship started broadcasting in 1964.The film not only tells us about the easy , casual lifestyle of DJs, it is about their love of music and their desire to share it with their listeners. They wanted to bring new sounds and new talents to radio.

A new law in 1967 banned pirate radio at sea, but some sea and land-based pirate stations continue to broadcast illegally today.They mainly play music for minority groups, who still can't hear the music they love from the normal stations. The pirate radio stations are part of our music history and without them, who knows what kind of music we'd be listening today.

1. The author .... in the article.

варіанти відповідей the interesting film about pirate radio information how pirate radio developed

3.encourages people to listen to 1960s music

4.tells the story of one pirate radio DJ.

Запитання 2

Read the text and do the tasks.


Today, music is especially available to us all. No matter what our tastes are - whether we like soul, blues, pop reggae,urban or any other type of music- we can tune into a radio station and hear it, or go on line and dounload.But it hasn't been that easy before.

When rock and pop was starting to become very popular in 1960s, there wasn't many radio stations at the time that only played music, and the few that did weren't playing the type of music that young people really wanted to hear.The BBC radio presenters were allowed less than one hour a day.What happened next had an enormous effect not only on the musical tastes of the young people but also on the developing of music itself.Pirate radio was born.

What exactly was and is pirate radio? Rhe name speaks for itself.DJs started to broadcast non-stop music from boats at sea. By transmitting from international waters the DJs weren't breaking any laws and the governement couldn't close them down. A lot of people didn't like this, because the pirate radio was competeing with normal radio stations for audiences.Besides the DJs on the boats had a very relaxed way of presenting and there were a lot of stories about the ways they lived on the boats. They were blamed for badly influencing a whole generation of teenagers.Parents and politicians were very angry.

The film"The boat that rocked" which came out in 2009 shows the life on board of one of these ships in great detail. Though the film did badly financially at the box office, it is worth watching for anyone interested in the 1960s and its music. It is based on the life of DJs on the first pirate ship"Radio Caroline''. This ship started broadcasting in 1964.The film not only tells us about the easy , casual lifestyle of DJs, it is about their love of music and their desire to share it with their listeners. They wanted to bring new sounds and new talents to radio.

A new law in 1967 banned pirate radio at sea, but some sea and land-based pirate stations continue to broadcast illegally today.They mainly play music for minority groups, who still can't hear the music they love from the normal stations. The pirate radio stations are part of our music history and without them, who knows what kind of music we'd be listening today.

2.What was the problem for people who wanted to listen to pop music in 1960s?

варіанти відповідей

1.They couldn't hear pop music on the radio every day

2.There was only a small number of radio stations.

3.Pop music wasn't played a lot on radio stations

4.The presenters didn't want to play pop music

Запитання 3

Read the text and do the tasks.


Today, music is especially available to us all. No matter what our tastes are - whether we like soul, blues, pop reggae,urban or any other type of music- we can tune into a radio station and hear it, or go on line and dounload.But it hasn't been that easy before.

When rock and pop was starting to become very popular in 1960s, there wasn't many radio stations at the time that only played music, and the few that did weren't playing the type of music that young people really wanted to hear.The BBC radio presenters were allowed less than one hour a day.What happened next had an enormous effect not only on the musical tastes of the young people but also on the developing of music itself.Pirate radio was born.

What exactly was and is pirate radio? Rhe name speaks for itself.DJs started to broadcast non-stop music from boats at sea. By transmitting from international waters the DJs weren't breaking any laws and the governement couldn't close them down. A lot of people didn't like this, because the pirate radio was competeing with normal radio stations for audiences.Besides the DJs on the boats had a very relaxed way of presenting and there were a lot of stories about the ways they lived on the boats. They were blamed for badly influencing a whole generation of teenagers.Parents and politicians were very angry.

The film"The boat that rocked" which came out in 2009 shows the life on board of one of these ships in great detail. Though the film did badly financially at the box office, it is worth watching for anyone interested in the 1960s and its music. It is based on the life of DJs on the first pirate ship"Radio Caroline''. This ship started broadcasting in 1964.The film not only tells us about the easy , casual lifestyle of DJs, it is about their love of music and their desire to share it with their listeners. They wanted to bring new sounds and new talents to radio.

A new law in 1967 banned pirate radio at sea, but some sea and land-based pirate stations continue to broadcast illegally today.They mainly play music for minority groups, who still can't hear the music they love from the normal stations. The pirate radio stations are part of our music history and without them, who knows what kind of music we'd be listening today

3.Many people were against the pirate radio stations because these stations ...

варіанти відповідей

1. were broadcasting illegally

2.set a negative example for the young

3.played all day long

4.caused other normal stations to close down

Запитання 4

Read the text and do the tasks.


Today, music is especially available to us all. No matter what our tastes are - whether we like soul, blues, pop reggae,urban or any other type of music- we can tune into a radio station and hear it, or go on line and dounload.But it hasn't been that easy before.

When rock and pop was starting to become very popular in 1960s, there wasn't many radio stations at the time that only played music, and the few that did weren't playing the type of music that young people really wanted to hear.The BBC radio presenters were allowed less than one hour a day.What happened next had an enormous effect not only on the musical tastes of the young people but also on the developing of music itself.Pirate radio was born.

What exactly was and is pirate radio? Rhe name speaks for itself.DJs started to broadcast non-stop music from boats at sea. By transmitting from international waters the DJs weren't breaking any laws and the governement couldn't close them down. A lot of people didn't like this, because the pirate radio was competeing with normal radio stations for audiences.Besides the DJs on the boats had a very relaxed way of presenting and there were a lot of stories about the ways they lived on the boats. They were blamed for badly influencing a whole generation of teenagers.Parents and politicians were very angry.

The film"The boat that rocked" which came out in 2009 shows the life on board of one of these ships in great detail. Though the film did badly financially at the box office, it is worth watching for anyone interested in the 1960s and its music. It is based on the life of DJs on the first pirate ship"Radio Caroline''. This ship started broadcasting in 1964.The film not only tells us about the easy , casual lifestyle of DJs, it is about their love of music and their desire to share it with their listeners. They wanted to bring new sounds and new talents to radio.

A new law in 1967 banned pirate radio at sea, but some sea and land-based pirate stations continue to broadcast illegally today.They mainly play music for minority groups, who still can't hear the music they love from the normal stations. The pirate radio stations are part of our music history and without them, who knows what kind of music we'd be listening today.

4.The film "The boat that rocked shows.....

варіанти відповідей

1. how difficult was the life for DJs on board of the ship much DJs enjoyed being famous on the radio rich the DJs on pirate radio could become deeply DJs cared about the music they played.

Запитання 5

Read the text and do the tasks.


Today, music is especially available to us all. No matter what our tastes are - whether we like soul, blues, pop reggae,urban or any other type of music- we can tune into a radio station and hear it, or go on line and dounload.But it hasn't been that easy before.

When rock and pop was starting to become very popular in 1960s, there wasn't many radio stations at the time that only played music, and the few that did weren't playing the type of music that young people really wanted to hear.The BBC radio presenters were allowed less than one hour a day.What happened next had an enormous effect not only on the musical tastes of the young people but also on the developing of music itself.Pirate radio was born.

What exactly was and is pirate radio? Rhe name speaks for itself.DJs started to broadcast non-stop music from boats at sea. By transmitting from international waters the DJs weren't breaking any laws and the governement couldn't close them down. A lot of people didn't like this, because the pirate radio was competeing with normal radio stations for audiences.Besides the DJs on the boats had a very relaxed way of presenting and there were a lot of stories about the ways they lived on the boats. They were blamed for badly influencing a whole generation of teenagers.Parents and politicians were very angry.

The film"The boat that rocked" which came out in 2009 shows the life on board of one of these ships in great detail. Though the film did badly financially at the box office, it is worth watching for anyone interested in the 1960s and its music. It is based on the life of DJs on the first pirate ship"Radio Caroline''. This ship started broadcasting in 1964.The film not only tells us about the easy , casual lifestyle of DJs, it is about their love of music and their desire to share it with their listeners. They wanted to bring new sounds and new talents to radio.

A new law in 1967 banned pirate radio at sea, but some sea and land-based pirate stations continue to broadcast illegally today.They mainly play music for minority groups, who still can't hear the music they love from the normal stations. The pirate radio stations are part of our music history and without them, who knows what kind of music we'd be listening today.

5. In our days....

варіанти відповідей

1. we can't listen to the music we like

2.we can listen only to the music that TV presenters propose

3.we can tune in any radio station or go on line and listen to what we like

4.we can listen to only pop music

Запитання 6

Read the text and do the tasks.


Today, music is especially available to us all. No matter what our tastes are - whether we like soul, blues, pop reggae,urban or any other type of music- we can tune into a radio station and hear it, or go on line and dounload.But it hasn't been that easy before.

When rock and pop was starting to become very popular in 1960s, there wasn't many radio stations at the time that only played music, and the few that did weren't playing the type of music that young people really wanted to hear.The BBC radio presenters were allowed less than one hour a day.What happened next had an enormous effect not only on the musical tastes of the young people but also on the developing of music itself.Pirate radio was born.

What exactly was and is pirate radio? Rhe name speaks for itself.DJs started to broadcast non-stop music from boats at sea. By transmitting from international waters the DJs weren't breaking any laws and the governement couldn't close them down. A lot of people didn't like this, because the pirate radio was competeing with normal radio stations for audiences.Besides the DJs on the boats had a very relaxed way of presenting and there were a lot of stories about the ways they lived on the boats. They were blamed for badly influencing a whole generation of teenagers.Parents and politicians were very angry.

The film"The boat that rocked" which came out in 2009 shows the life on board of one of these ships in great detail. Though the film did badly financially at the box office, it is worth watching for anyone interested in the 1960s and its music. It is based on the life of DJs on the first pirate ship"Radio Caroline''. This ship started broadcasting in 1964.The film not only tells us about the easy , casual lifestyle of DJs, it is about their love of music and their desire to share it with their listeners. They wanted to bring new sounds and new talents to radio.

A new law in 1967 banned pirate radio at sea, but some sea and land-based pirate stations continue to broadcast illegally today.They mainly play music for minority groups, who still can't hear the music they love from the normal stations. The pirate radio stations are part of our music history and without them, who knows what kind of music we'd be listening today.

6.When pop and rock became very popular in 1960s .....

варіанти відповідей

1. there were a lot of radio stations playing their music

2.there weren't radio stations that only played music

3.there were radio stations but they didn't play the music young people wanted to listen to

4.there weren't many radiostations that only played music and BBC radio station was allowed to play less than one hour a day.

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