Reading,За підручником М.А.Нерсисян, А.О.Піроженко

Додано: 5 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 339 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the texts and decide if it is true or false

Love is in the truest sense, the essence of this Universe. In life, there is nothing more satisfying and emotionally pleasing than the ability to love and to be loved in return. You can love your family and friends, and of course, we are all aware of romantic love. Ancient Greeks identified the types of love, and they are all easily recognizable by people

1.Love is the essence of life on the Earth

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2. False

Запитання 2

Altruistic Love is divine and the purest form, which promotes brotherly affection and love for each other. In fact, it is exactly what all religions have been trying to teach us. It is basically love for all around us. When you give to others, you are displaying selfless or altruistic love. It can be shown in multiple types of relationships, but it is most common between parents and children, when parents make sacrifices in order to put their children first. However, you can also show this type of love to a friend or romantic partner. Some people have a tendency to love through patience and giving.They enjoy giving more than receiving

2.Altruistic Love is rational and practical.

варіанти відповідей

1. True


Запитання 3

Altruistic Love is divine and the purest form, which promotes brotherly affection and love for each other. In fact, it is exactly what all religions have been trying to teach us. It is basically love for all around us. When you give to others, you are displaying selfless or altruistic love. It can be shown in multiple types of relationships, but it is most common between parents and children, when parents make sacrifices in order to put their children first. However, you can also show this type of love to a friend or romantic partner. Some people have a tendency to love through patience and giving.They enjoy giving more than receiving

3.Altruistic Love is common between parents and children, between friends and romantic partners.

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Запитання 4

Companion Love has a form that talks about the familial love we experience in our society and feel for our parents and siblings; happy are those who have this bonding. When extended to love between couples, this love focuses on building a compassionate, caring attitude and commitment. Many close friendships display this kind of love too. 

4.Companion Love focus on building a compassionate , caring attitude and commitment,

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Запитання 5

Romantic Love is, perhaps, the most evident form of love; all of us have experienced it at some time or an other. It is the type of love that many people seem to seek out the most. If you have fallen in love, then you surely know what romantic love feels like. Successful romantic partnership depends on both partners feeling mutual love for each other. It involves close connection in which people care about each other and offer emotional support

5. Romantic love is rational and practical

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2. False

Запитання 6

Obsessive Love is, as the name suggests, the worst form of love. It is full of extreme reactions like insecurity, jealousy, obsession, unrealistic demands and often involves controlling behaviour. Those experiencing such type of love may feel they truly love the other person, but the object of their love often begins to see the unhealthy quality of this love and rejects them.

6.It iadifficult to maintain happy relationship with such kind of love 

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 7

Practical Love is about people who’re completely rational in their relationships. Such relationships focus more on needs and wants – educational qualifications, professions, income, social status, common hobbies, parental possessions, material belongings, etc. 

7.Partners measure their satisfaction in the relationship as per convenience.

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 8

Relationships improve our life and by recognizing the different flavours of love, you can fill your life with multiple fulfilling sensations.

8.The most important thing of our life is - we were born to be happy

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 9

We are all humans and we are all different, we all seek happiness and try to avoid suffering. And while all relationships have their ups and downs, certain forms of love are only about the downs, so if your relationship isn’t healthy, somewhere you’re at fault too. 

9.All humans are the same

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Запитання 10

Romantic Love is, perhaps, the most evident form of love; all of us have experienced it at some time or an other. It is the type of love that many people seem to seek out the most. If you have fallen in love, then you surely know what romantic love feels like. Successful romantic partnership depends on both partners feeling mutual love for each other. 

10.All people want to have romantic love

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

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