Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
She said, "I am studying for the exam."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
He said, "We have finished our project."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
They said, "We will go to the museum tomorrow."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
John said, "I can play the guitar."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
Mary said, "I don’t like horror movies."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
She said, "I am not going to the party."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
He said, "We didn’t play football yesterday."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
The teacher said, "Don't forget to do your homework."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
She said, "I won't help you with the project."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
Tom said, "I had already eaten before the party started."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
She said, "He is working right now."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
He said, "I didn't steal the money."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
They said, "We will not attend the meeting."
Change the sentences from direct into reported speech.
He said, "I can’t come to the party."
Choose the correct answer.
... is the words that people actually say.
Choose the correct answer.
... is used to express what others say.
Choose the correct answer.
... is used when you look back on the past and want to remember things that were planned or believed to happen in the future.
Choose ‘say’ or ‘tell’ :
Jane … (that) she wanted to learn how to use reported speech.
Choose ‘say’ or ‘tell’ :
Nobody … me (that) I had to do this.
Choose ‘say’ or ‘tell’ :
He ... to Sally (that) he had his lunch at school.
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