Revision 2, Focus3, Unit2

Додано: 18 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 62 рази
13 запитань
Запитання 1

University student Matt Hebden returned from a once-in-a- ____ trip to Egypt last year having learned how to windsurf.

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Запитання 2

In Matt's case, this ___ was truly remarkable because he suffers from aquaphobia - a fear of water.

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Запитання 3

I've had a fear of water, ___ deep water, since I was seven.

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Запитання 4

But I've always been ____ by the sea.

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Запитання 5

This gave me the ____ to do something about the fear.

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Запитання 6

Matt saw a TV programme about different types of phobias and ___ for him, it included several ___ with people who also suffer from phobias.

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unfortunately ... discuss

fortune ... discussion

fortunate ... discursive

fortunately ... discussions

Запитання 7

They all said it was of maximum ____ not to let fear control your life.

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Запитання 8

I very much admired how ____ Matt was to try windsurfing.

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Запитання 9

Last weekend I watched a brilliant sports event at Wembley stadium. There was a huge crowd of 45,619 people in the stadium with me and it was a match between England and Germany! ______ However, it wasn’t the normal type of match that we see every Saturday on TV. This was the nal of the European Women’s Football Championship.

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 I’m sure everyone reading this is going to think I’m talking about a football match and that’s true.

 Unfortunately, professional women football players earn very little money.

This was the twentieth defeat by Germany in a row! 

 According to sports experts, girls at school are still not encouraged to go into football.

Запитання 10

Women’s football used to be very popular in England at the end of the nineteenth century and in the beginning the matches attracted more spectators than the men’s matches did. However, this all changed in 1921._____ The reason they gave was that football was ‘unsuitable’ for women because it wasn’t good for their health! Some people thought that the real reason was because the men were jealous of the popularity of the women’s game!

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This was the twentieth defeat by Germany in a row! 

According to sports experts, girls at school are still not encouraged to go into football.

The Football Association (the FA) decided to ban all women’s football matches on the FA’s clubs’ grounds. 

Unfortunately, professional women football players earn very little money. 

Запитання 11

Whatever the reason, women’s football nearly disappeared completely. _____ However, there wasn’t much money given to develop the game and even in 1993 there were only eighty girls’ teams, no professional players and not much training.

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 I’m sure everyone reading this is going to think I’m talking about a football match and that’s true.

 The Football Association (the FA) decided to ban all women’s football matches on the FA’s clubs’ grounds

This was the twentieth defeat by Germany in a row! 

Then in 1966, when England won the World Cup, people started getting interested in women’s football again. 

Запитання 12

The Football Association then started to help develop the game and women’s football has come a long way in the last twenty years. Now it is the most popular female team sport in England and there are lots and lots of competitions for professional players. _____ This can be as low as £20,000 a year and it’s ridiculous when you compare it to professional men footballers’ enormous salaries! Many of the England national team have to have a part time job too.

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 According to sports experts, girls at school are still not encouraged to go into football.

 Unfortunately, professional women football players earn very little money. 

Then in 1966, when England won the World Cup, people started getting interested in women’s football again. 

I’m sure everyone reading this is going to think I’m talking about a football match and that’s true.

Запитання 13

Last weekend England’s women lost to Germany. ______ But they will have another chance in the World Cup next year.

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This was the twentieth defeat by Germany in a row! 

According to sports experts, girls at school are still not encouraged to go into football.

 Then in 1966, when England won the World Cup, people started getting interested in women’s football again.

Unfortunately, professional women football players earn very little money. 

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