"Nature. Seasons. The weather"

Додано: 13 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Revision "Nature. The weather"
Тест виконано: 271 раз
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Winter in England is mostly ... .

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Запитання 2

In autumn birds fly to ... .

варіанти відповідей

the North

the South

the East

the West

Запитання 3

In autumn leaves turn ... .

варіанти відповідей

yellow and red

green and purple

yellow and gray

red and blue

Запитання 4

You can sunbathe and swim in the sea in ... .

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Запитання 5

Read and choose.

The weather is usually bad. It is cold, windy, cloudy. It often rains. The sky is usually grey, because there are a lot of clouds. But when the weather is fine, all is beautiful, because the trees are colourful.

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Запитання 6

Complete this sentence

In autumn...

варіанти відповідей

It is usually cold, frosty and snowy.

the sky is blue, there are a lot of flowers.

It is usually windy, rainy, muddy and wet.

It is sunny and warm.

Запитання 7

Complete this sentence

In spring...

варіанти відповідей

It is usually hot and sunny.

It is usually cold, frosty and snowy.

The weather is usually bad.

It is usually sunny and warm.

Запитання 8

Complete this sentence

In winter....

варіанти відповідей

The weather is warm and sunny.

It is usually cold, frosty and snowy.

The sky is usually grey, the weather is cool.

It is usually windy and rainy.

Запитання 9

Complete this sentence

In summer....

варіанти відповідей

the weather is usually sunny. The sky is blue.

the weather is cold, frosty and snowy.

It is usually windy, rainy and muddy.

The weather is usually bad

Запитання 10

Translate the word -лити як з відра 

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to turn red and brown

to pour cats and dogs

covered by snow

Запитання 11

Translate the word - «золота осінь»

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golden autumn 

cold autumn 

silver autumn 

Запитання 12

Translate the word - чекати з нетерпінням

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to go out

to look forward to

to turn red and brown

Запитання 13

Translate the word– святкування

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a calendar


a celebration

Запитання 14

Translate the word- мінливий

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Запитання 15

Translate the word бути в дорозі

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to be ready for

to be on the way

to be on way

Запитання 16

Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives


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 bad - badder - the baddest

  bad - worse - the worst

 bad - worst - the worse

Запитання 17

Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives


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 good - best - the better

 good - better - the best

good - gooder - the goodest

Запитання 18

Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives


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 colorful - more colorful - the most colorful

 colorful - most colorful -the more colorful

colorful - colorfuler - the colorfulest

Запитання 19

For me mathematics was ____ than English in school.

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  more hard

Запитання 20

Did she fell ____ today?

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