S0lutions Unit4 Home

Додано: 18 вересня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 107 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Tom: This is the nicest restaurant in Oxford.

Mum: I know. We 1 ____________(come) here more often if it 2 _______ (be) less expensive.

варіанти відповідей

1.come 2 is/ are

1.would come 2 were / was

1.will come 2 were / was

Запитання 2

Joshua: Maths is my 3 __(less favourite) subject. And I wish I 4 _____ (not have to) sit at home and do my maths homework today. I want to go out for a walk.

Mary: Well, the sky is getting 5 _____ (dark / dark) outside, so it might rain soon anyway.

варіанти відповідей

3. least favourite

4.don’t has to

5. darkest and darkest

3. less favourite

4.didn’t has to

5. darker and darker

3. least favourite

4.didn’t have to

5. darker and darker

Запитання 3

Peter: This house is much 6 __(old-fashioned) inside than our place. I think it’s really depressing.

Liliana: I know, but don’t say anything to Tom’s parents. They think it’s

7 ___(good) house in the street!

варіанти відповідей

6. the most old-fashioned

7. best

6. more old-fashioned

7. the best

6. the most old-fashioned

7. better

Запитання 4

Mehmet: We 8 __(finish) the housework much 9 __(quickly) if you 10____(help) us.

Oya: I 11____ (do) that if I my back 12______(not hurt) today.

варіанти відповідей

8 would finish

9 quicker

10 helped

11 would do

12 didn’t hurt

8 would finish

9 quickest

10 helped

11 would do

12 didn’t hurt

8 finish

9 quicker 10 helped

11 would do

12 don’t hurt

Запитання 5

Hi Brad, Sorry I haven’t written for ages, but I’ve been really busy because we’ve just moved to our new house in Pacific Heights. Last week, we had to put everything into boxes and say goodbye to our old house in Oakland. The new place is a 1 ___________ house, so we’ve got neighbours on both sides. It’s got three bedrooms. It’s a little smaller than our old place, but it isn’t 2 ___________ , and it’s got a nice garden with a green 3 ___________ and flower beds. You can walk through 4 ___________ to get to the garden from the living room. We also have a small glass conservatory with a few chairs and a 5 ___________ table in it, so we can sit in there when it’s raining. A big two-metre tall hedge goes all around the garden, so it’s very private, too. My room is quite small, but it’s nice too. There are some shelves to put my novels on, and a bedside table with a lamp on it. The best thing about my bedroom is the spectacular 6 ___________ − from my bedroom window, you can see all the way to the Pacific! Bye for now! Georgia

варіанти відповідей

1 lawn 2 cramped 3 terraced 4 sliding doors 5 dining 6 ocean view

1 terraced 2 cramped 3 lawn 4 ocean view 5 dining 6 sliding doors

1 cramped 2 terraced 3 lawn 4 sliding doors 5 dining 6 ocean view

1 terraced 2 cramped 3 lawn 4 sliding doors 5 dining 6 ocean view

Запитання 6

Put this on the bed tonight, and you won’t feel cold.

варіанти відповідей

bunk bed




Запитання 7

I only close them at night − I don’t want the room to be dark in the day.

варіанти відповідей


bunk bed

studio flat


Запитання 8

It’s very small in here. The sofa, bed and kitchen are all in one room.

варіанти відповідей


studio flat

lively area

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