
Додано: 14 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 46 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

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There are six seasons in the year

There are seven seasons in the year

There are four seasons in the year

There are twelve seasons in the year

Запитання 2

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There are six monhs in a year

There are seven months in a year

There are four months in a year

There are twelve months in a year

Запитання 3

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There are seven days in a week

There are twelve days in a month

There are thirty days in a year

There are six seasons in a year

Запитання 4

Autumn is a beautiful ...

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Запитання 5

Завтра они пойдут на вечеринку

варіанти відповідей

She goes to the parties every day

Yesterday they went to the party

Tomorrow they will go to the party

He is going to the party

Запитання 6

How many months are there in a year?

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Запитання 7

Summer month is...

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Запитання 8


   Tom: My favourite season is autumn. It’s a beautiful season. The leaves in the trees are red, yellow, brown and green. It is warm in September. I can go for a walk. On the first of September I am glad to see my friends at school after the long summer holiday. In autumn there are a lot of vegetables and fruit. I like sweet pears.


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I'm glad to see my friends on the 1st of September

I hate September because I should go to school

In summer there are a lot of vegetables and fruit. I like sweet pears.

Запитання 9

David: And my favourite season is winter. Winter is beautiful. The trees are white with snow. There is a lot of snow in the streets and in the parks. My friends and I can play snowballs and hockey. But most of all I like to ski.

   Susan: I don’t like winter. It’s so cold in winter. It often snows. The sky is grey. The day are short and the nights are long. I like spring. The sun often shines, the sky is blue , birds singsong. In May the trees and grass are bright green. There are many beautiful flowers in May.

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варіанти відповідей

David likes winter

Friends of David can play piano

Susan doesn't like winter

David likes winter because the day are short and the nights are long.

Запитання 10

Clothes give a lot of information about us. For example, we wear clothes to keep us warm because unlike animals we do not have a protecting covering of hair. But in different life situations we dress in clothes of different colours, style and material; for official parties men wear dark suits and a tie (or a bow-tie) and I women wear long evening dresses and jewelry. There are some strict rules about clothes style. We do not, for instance, wear football boots with a dinner jacket, or jeans to work in a bank. A farmer who takes care of animals or works in a field will not wear a suit and a bowtie. There are many schools where schoolchildren must wear a school uniform. Of course, not all boys and girls like this rule. If you go to the beach on a sunny day, you usually put on a T-shirt, shorts and sandals because you want to feel comfortable. Our clothes say something about our character and our positive or negative attitude to life

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Clothes give a lot of information about us.

There are not many schools where schoolchildren must wear a school uniform.

you usually put on a T-shirt, shorts when you go to the beach

Our clothes say something about our character and our positive or negative attitude to life

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