Додано: 19 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 115 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

I know my ................, but I can’t remember my password. 

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Запитання 2

This band is great and you can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their music from the Internet. Their songs are free. 

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Запитання 3

Do we have any paper for the _ _ _ _ _ _? 

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Запитання 4

I don’t like typing on this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because it is old and I can’t see most of the letters.

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Запитання 5

Which web _ _ _ _ _ _ do you use to surf the Internet?

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Запитання 6

When I wake up, I _ _ _ _ _ and read the news.

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go online


Запитання 7

I like _______________. Experiments in the lab are really fun!

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Запитання 8

Kate wants to be an/a_______________ so that she can study the planets and stars. 

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Запитання 9

Which was the first search _______________ in the world? Was it Google?

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Запитання 10

Send me a text _______________ because I can’t talk on the phone at school. 

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Запитання 11

You should _______________ the specimens carefully – you mustn’t damage them.

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Запитання 12

I remember my first mobile phone. It was very big, but the screen was quite small when you think about the smartphones of today. I could only use it for calls and messages. At the time, however, it looked so great to me. Can you imagine how it changed people’s lives? Suddenly, with this useful little invention, communication was so easy. Now we have smartphones with digital cameras and Internet. Mobile technology is always getting better. I wonder what the next generation of mobile phones will be like.

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The author of the text is describing what a phone can do

The author of the text is discussing how phones have changed.

The author of the text is explaining how to use a phone.

Запитання 13

THE SCIENCE OF THE STARS On a clear night, you can see the Moon and stars. How many are there? We don’t know. Where does space end? Does it end? We don’t know. Astronomers, however, are looking for answers to these important questions that affect us all. They observe the sky and analyse their data. They discover new stars and planets. They also develop theories to explain what space is and Earth’s place in it. For these reasons, astronomy is one of the most interesting sciences in the world. But why are there so few astronomers? Why aren’t young people keen on learning about it?

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The text says that astronomy is a very easy subject do study.

The text says that astronomy is only interesting to astronomers.

The text says that astronomy isn’t popular with many students.

Запитання 14

ONE DAY ONLY – Tech Talk Have you had your old desktop computer for a while? Is it time for a new laptop? Are you visiting websites to compare different computers and find one that’s right for you? Stop! We have all the answers you need. Look and try before you decide to buy. Come and see the latest computers all in one place, this Saturday. They are here for you to use. Listen while we give you details on what each computer can do. You’ll get lots of useful information so that you know which computer is best for you when you’re ready to buy. 2 The text tells readers they can A get useful information about computers. B buy any computer they try. C find out which websites to visit.

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The text tells readers they can get useful information about computers.

The text tells readers they can buy any computer they try.

The text tells readers they can find out which websites to visit.

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