Семестровий контроль читання в 10 класі

Додано: 6 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 638 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (1–12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

A Winter Story

Written by: Tuesday F.

The night grew colder as Julie (1) ________ through the snow. She had left because no one was home. Her mom was at work, her dad was with some coworkers, and her sister was probably out with her boyfriend at some wonderful ice rink or whatnot.

Julie didn't remember a Christmas where someone wasn't gone. It weighed down her heart (2) ________ it had been carved out of lead and stuck inside her chest.

An older college couple passed Julie laughing and giggling. They seemed so happy just to be together, not caring about the snow or the muddy streets, nothing could (3) ________ them.

Julie sighed and kept walking. She walked past an elderly couples house where they sat outside on a swing, holding hands. She stopped for a moment, examining them, wondering to herself what they were smiling and whispering about. The old lady (4) ________ sight of Julie and called her to come. Julie obliged, stepping down the pathway to the porch. The old lady smiled, "Little girl, why are you out here all alone in this kind of weather, especially (5) ________ this special night?" Julie shrugged shyly, stuffing her hands in her pockets before speaking up, "I have nothing really better to do and a walk helps me clear my thoughts."

The old lady watched in content, she stood up, (6) ________ her ankle long skirt and went to the door. She turned back to Julie, "Well, can't let you leave without something, now can I?" She quickly called Julie to come in, (7) ________ the door. Julie stepped inside to the warm house, looking around (8) ________ the old paintings and what not. There was a living room to the left with a giant, glowing Christmas tree in the corner near the light fireplace.

The old lady stepped into a large kitchen with cookies, gingerbread houses, and other sweets scattered across the table and counters. She reached up into a cabinet, pulling down a pack of hot chocolate. She put a kettle on the stove and poured the pack into a small tea cup.

Julie made herself at home, wondering around the decorated sweets, studying them. When the old lady (9) ________ a chair for herself, Julie did the same.

The kettle began (10) ________ and the old lady rushed to the stove, quickly pulling it off and pouring the water into the cup. She (11) ________ a spoon and started to stir the hot chocolate. She set the cup and spoon in front of Julie with a gentle smile.

Julie took the cup and held it up to her lips, (12) ________ the liquid slowly trying her best not to burn herself. She set the cup gingerly back on the table, saying to the old lady, "Thank you very much."

The old lady smiled, "It is Christmas my dear, give and you shall receive. But I really don't expect to receive anything from you, dear, just my act of kindness today." Julie smiled wider and decided since no one was home at her house; she would stay her a little longer and talk to the old lady.


варіанти відповідей

A went

B strolled

C walked

D travelled

Запитання 2

Julie didn't remember a Christmas where someone wasn't gone. It weighed down her heart (2) ________ it had been carved out of lead and stuck inside her chest.

варіанти відповідей

A like

B as

C such as

D because

Запитання 3

An older college couple passed Julie laughing and giggling. They seemed so happy just to be together, not caring about the snow or the muddy streets, nothing could (3) ________ them.

варіанти відповідей

A differentiate

B share

C separate

D segregate

Запитання 4

Julie sighed and kept walking. She walked past an elderly couples house where they sat outside on a swing, holding hands. She stopped for a moment, examining them, wondering to herself what they were smiling and whispering about. The old lady (4) ________ sight of Julie and called her to come. Julie obliged, stepping down the pathway to the porch. 

варіанти відповідей

A caught

B saw

C noticed

D observed

Запитання 5

The old lady smiled, "Little girl, why are you out here all alone in this kind of weather, especially (5) ________ this special night?" Julie shrugged shyly, stuffing her hands in her pockets before speaking up, "I have nothing really better to do and a walk helps me clear my thoughts."

варіанти відповідей

A at

B on

C during

D in

Запитання 6

The old lady watched in content, she stood up, (6) ________ her ankle long skirt and went to the door.

варіанти відповідей

A ironing

B smoothing

C stretching

D flattening

Запитання 7

She turned back to Julie, "Well, can't let you leave without something, now can I?" She quickly called Julie to come in, (7) ________ the door.

варіанти відповідей

A touching

B holding

C taking

D keeping

Запитання 8

Julie stepped inside to the warm house, looking around (8) ________ the old paintings and what not. There was a living room to the left with a giant, glowing Christmas tree in the corner near the light fireplace.

The old lady stepped into a large kitchen with cookies, gingerbread houses, and other sweets scattered across the table and counters. She reached up into a cabinet, pulling down a pack of hot chocolate. She put a kettle on the stove and poured the pack into a small tea cup.

варіанти відповідей

A for

B on

C at

D through

Запитання 9

Julie made herself at home, wondering around the decorated sweets, studying them. When the old lady (9) ________ a chair for herself, Julie did the same.

варіанти відповідей

A pulled through

B pulled on

C pulled off

D pulled up

Запитання 10

The kettle began (10) ________ and the old lady rushed to the stove, quickly pulling it off and pouring the water into the cup.

варіанти відповідей

A to scream

B to shout

C to cry

D to squeal

Запитання 11

She (11) ________ a spoon and started to stir the hot chocolate. She set the cup and spoon in front of Julie with a gentle smile.

варіанти відповідей

A held

B grabbed

C caught

D clutched

Запитання 12

Julie took the cup and held it up to her lips, (12) ________ the liquid slowly trying her best not to burn herself. She set the cup gingerly back on the table, saying to the old lady, "Thank you very much."

The old lady smiled, "It is Christmas my dear, give and you shall receive. But I really don't expect to receive anything from you, dear, just my act of kindness today." Julie smiled wider and decided since no one was home at her house; she would stay her a little longer and talk to the old lady.

варіанти відповідей

A taking on

B taking up

C taking in

D taking off

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