Smart junior 4 unit 8 (test)

Додано: 30 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Копія з тесту: Smart junior 4 unit 8 (test)
Тест виконано: 371 раз
23 запитання
Запитання 1

Sleeping bag

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Запитання 2


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Запитання 3

go camping

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Запитання 4


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Запитання 5


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Запитання 6

go fishing

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Запитання 7

ski resort

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Запитання 8

clothes shop

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Запитання 9

I am going to the florist's.

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Запитання 10

You are going to the cinema

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Запитання 11

He is going to go sailing.

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Запитання 12

They are going to go to the mountains.

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Запитання 13

Утвори словосполучення


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Запитання 14

Утвори словосполучення


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a snowman


in the sea

a fire


Запитання 15

The sea animals are ...

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a whale

a dolphin

a snowman

a shark

a squirrel

Запитання 16

is going to

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We ____ play cricket.

My mum ____ go on holiday with me and Dad.

My friends ____ skateboard in the skatepark.

I ___ watch a new film on TV in the evening.

I ____ read a book at the weekend.

Tom _____ go fishing in the lake.

Запитання 17

are going to

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I ___ watch a new film on TV in the evening.

My friends ____ skateboard in the skatepark.

My mum ____ go on holiday with me and Dad.

We ____ play cricket.

I ____ read a book at the weekend.

Tom _____ go fishing in the lake.

Запитання 18

am going to

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I ___ watch a new film on TV in the evening.

My friends ____ skateboard in the skatepark.

My mum ____ go on holiday with me and Dad.

We ____ play cricket.

I ____ read a book at the weekend.

Tom _____ go fishing in the lake.

Запитання 19

Wuold you like to go to the park? We can play football.

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Sorry, I can't.

No, thanks.

Great idea!

Запитання 20

Would you like to go to the cinema? We can watch a film.

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Great idea! Thank you.

No, thanks.

Запитання 21

Would you like to go to the skatepark? We can go skatedoarding.

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Sure! Thank you.

Sorry, I can't.

No, thanks.

Запитання 22

Would you like to go to the birthday party? We can have lots of fun.

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Sorry, I can't.

Great idea!

No, thanks.

Запитання 23

Would you like to go to the clothes shop? We can buy some new clothes.

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Sorry, I can't.

Great idea!

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