Speaking about Art

Додано: 16 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 155 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Someone who has been attacked, robbed or murdered

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Запитання 2

To make smth more interesting

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Запитання 3

A feeling that you want to cry

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A lump in smb's throat

Butterfly in one's stomach

To look forward

Запитання 4

To stay or move on the surface of a liquid without sinking

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to swim

to fly

to float

Запитання 5

Having an important effect, especially on what will happen in the future

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Запитання 6

To take in liquid gas, or another substance from the surface or space around smth

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to clean

to absorb

to swim

Запитання 7

...is a way of representing things, expressing ideas using pictures, sculpture, filters, plays and other objects that people can look at

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Запитання 8

Smth produced by an artist, especially smth that is of very high quality

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Work of Art

Work of picture

Work of image

Запитання 9

What is Participle?

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is a non-finite form of the verb that can function as an adjective or an adverb

a word or group of words that describes an action, experience or state

a word or a group of words that represent a person, a place, a thing or activity, or a quality or idea

Запитання 10

Choose Passive Voice of Present Participle

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I am asking about the timetable for today

I am going to ask about the timetable for today

I am being asked about the timetable for today

Запитання 11

Choose Passive Voice of Past Participle

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I listened a song about the motherland

I am listening a song about the motherland

I listen a song about the motherland

Запитання 12

Choose Passive Voice of Perfect Participle

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John being seen to his parents that he smokes

John having been seen to his parents that he smokes

John was seen to his parents that he smokes

Запитання 13

Choose the author of the picture "Water-mill"

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S. Rybak

O. Ekster

V. Stenberg

Запитання 14

Choose the director of Shrek

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Luc Besson

Andrew Adamson

Steven Spielberg

Запитання 15

Which film won more Oscars?

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The Lord of the Rings

Out of Africa

The Matrix

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