St. Valentine's Day

Додано: 13 лютого 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 66 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Lovers all over the world celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. Valentine's Day is named after a Christian saint called Valentine.

St. Valentine is sometimes known as the patron saint of love. On Valentine's Day, it is traditional for lovers to express their feelings for each other by making romantic gestures.

Many people buy greeting cards to send to their partners on St. Valentine's Day. Around a billion Valentine's Day cards are sent worldwide every year. Teddy bears and other soft toys are popular Vlentine's Day gifts.

Symbols conected with Valentine's Day include hearts, flowers, doves and Cupid, the winged Roman God of love.

Answer the questions:

1. St. Valentine is sometimes known as....

варіанти відповідей

The patron saint of love

The patron saint of husbands

The patron saint of gifts

Запитання 2

Lovers all over the world celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. Valentine's Day is named after a Christian saint called Valentine.

St. Valentine is sometimes known as the patron saint of love. On Valentine's Day, it is traditional for lovers to express their feelings for each other by making romantic gestures.

Many people buy greeting cards to send to their partners on St. Valentine's Day. Around a billion Valentine's Day cards are sent worldwide every year. Teddy bears and other soft toys are popular Vlentine's Day gifts.

Symbols conected with Valentine's Day include hearts, flowers, doves and Cupid, the winged Roman God of love.

Answer the questions:

2. Who was the Roman God of love?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

Lovers all over the world celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. Valentine's Day is named after a Christian saint called Valentine.

St. Valentine is sometimes known as the patron saint of love. On Valentine's Day, it is traditional for lovers to express their feelings for each other by making romantic gestures.

Many people buy greeting cards to send to their partners on St. Valentine's Day. Around a billion Valentine's Day cards are sent worldwide every year. Teddy bears and other soft toys are popular Vlentine's Day gifts.

Symbols conected with Valentine's Day include hearts, flowers, doves and Cupid, the winged Roman God of love.

Answer the questions:

3. Which of these birds is a symbol of Valentine's Day?

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Lovers all over the world celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. Valentine's Day is named after a Christian saint called Valentine.

St. Valentine is sometimes known as the patron saint of love. On Valentine's Day, it is traditional for lovers to express their feelings for each other by making romantic gestures.

Many people buy greeting cards to send to their partners on St. Valentine's Day. Around a billion Valentine's Day cards are sent worldwide every year. Teddy bears and other soft toys are popular Vlentine's Day gifts.

Symbols conected with Valentine's Day include hearts, flowers, doves and Cupid, the winged Roman God of love.

Answer the questions:

4. Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate...

варіанти відповідей

eating chocolate

love and romance

patron saints

Запитання 5

Lovers all over the world celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. Valentine's Day is named after a Christian saint called Valentine.

St. Valentine is sometimes known as the patron saint of love. On Valentine's Day, it is traditional for lovers to express their feelings for each other by making romantic gestures.

Many people buy greeting cards to send to their partners on St. Valentine's Day. Around a billion Valentine's Day cards are sent worldwide every year. Teddy bears and other soft toys are popular Vlentine's Day gifts.

Symbols conected with Valentine's Day include hearts, flowers, doves and Cupid, the winged Roman God of love.

Answer the questions:

5. Which of these things is not connected with St. Valentine's Day?

варіанти відповідей

sending cards

giving gifts

setting off fireworks

Запитання 6

Lovers all over the world celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th. Valentine's Day is named after a Christian saint called Valentine.

St. Valentine is sometimes known as the patron saint of love. On Valentine's Day, it is traditional for lovers to express their feelings for each other by making romantic gestures.

Many people buy greeting cards to send to their partners on St. Valentine's Day. Around a billion Valentine's Day cards are sent worldwide every year. Teddy bears and other soft toys are popular Vlentine's Day gifts.

Symbols conected with Valentine's Day include hearts, flowers, doves and Cupid, the winged Roman God of love.

Answer the questions:

6. How many cards are sent every year on Valentine's Day?

варіанти відповідей

the text doesn't say

about a billion

about a million

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