Put the adjectives into the correct degree.
1. Paul and Simon are ..... boys that I know.
2. Nick's answer is ... than Jack's.
3. This week is .... than the last one.
4. Your idea is ...... than mine
5. This picture looks .... in the bedroom than in the living room.
6. Now we have .... information than before.
7. Hellen is .... than Jane.
8. My umbrella is .... than yours.
9. Rick is ...... assistant I have ever had.
10. This colour is ..... in this season.
11. Half is loaf is...... than no bread.
12. Blood is .... than water.
13. Actions speak ..... than words.
14. The ..... tree has the .... fall.
15. False friends are ..... than open eniemies.
16. A chain is no .... than its ....... link.
17. It's ..... to pull down than to build.
18. Forbiddien fruit is the .... .
19. Heat makes things...... and cold makes things ......
20. He is ..... man in the world.
21I don't eat ..... you
22. The mouse is not.... the dog.
23. The elephant is ........ all.
24. The elephant is not ...... the dog.
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