Summer vacation

Додано: 1 вересня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 53 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct answer

Who does the boy spend his vacation with?

варіанти відповідей

The boy spends his summer vacation with his friends

He spend his summer with his family

The boy spends his summer holiday with his parents and little sister

He is in Hawaii with his sister

Запитання 2

Which sentence about the boy is not correct?

варіанти відповідей

He loves swimming in the swimming pool

The boy and his sister often spend time at the beach playing with sand

He always likes lying and sunbathing on the lounger with his mum

He enjoys playing volleyball on the beach

Запитання 3

Which is correct?

варіанти відповідей

A hammock is usually behind the trees

A hammock is always between the trees

A hammock is often hanging under the trees

A hammock is never in front of the trees

Запитання 4

What do these words mean? Що означають ці слова?

shore, inflatable, seashell, rubber

варіанти відповідей

надувний, гумовийг, берег, ракушка

берег, ракушка, надувний, гумовий

берег, надувний, ракушка,гумовий

Запитання 5

Complete the sentences

1.We keep our food in a ...

2.We gather ..... on the shore

3.We float on a ...matress

4.We ride a ... ski

варіанти відповідей box 2.seashells 3.inflatable 4.jet

1.seashells 2.inflatable 3.jet box

Запитання 6

Complete be crazy... jump ... the waves

3.... raft trips fly in a ...-glider

варіанти відповідей

1.about 2.rubber 3.over 4.hang

1.about 2.over 3.rubber 4.hang

1.rubber 2.palm 3.rubber 4,over

Запитання 7

What do "goggles" stand for? (оначають)

варіанти відповідей

large glasses to prevent injury to the eyes from strong wind, flying objects, blinding light, etc.

a hanging bed or couch made of canvas, netted cord, or the like, with cords attached to supports at each end.

Запитання 8


1.a log cabin shoot arrows 3.a target 4.a helmet

варіанти відповідей

1.будинок зроблений з колод 2.стріляти з лука 3.ціль 4.шолом

1.мета 2.стріляти 3.хатинка 4.кашкет

Запитання 9

Complete wear a .... climb a... cross a .... bridge

4.a potato ... race

варіанти відповідей

rock, rope, sack, helmet

rope, sack, helmet, rock

helmet, rock, rope, sack

Запитання 10


1.we sit around....

2,we can roast ...

3,to enjoy something so... play.....

варіанти відповідей

the camp fire, meat, much, tug of war

the table, chicken, much, hide-and-seek(схованки)

the camp fire, girls, many, football

the desk, marshmallows, much, guitar

Запитання 11

Which sentence is wrong?

варіанти відповідей

The boy and the girl are having the same activities during their vacations

The boy and the girl are having the different activities during their vacations

The children have enjoyed their vacations very much

They are are having a lot of fun

Запитання 12

Match the questions with answers

1.Have you ever been to Hawaii?

2.Is Ann happy to be there?

3.Do kids like plying tug of war?

4.Is the ropes course dangerous?

варіанти відповідей

1.Yes,it is. 2.Yes,she is.3.Yes,I do. 4.No,she hasn't.

1.Yes,it isn't. 2.Yes,he is.3.No,I don't. 4.Yes, she hasn't.

1.No,we have. 2. No, she isn't. 3.Yes, they does. 4,Yes,it is,

1.No, we haven't. 2.No, she isn't. 3.Yes, they do. 4.Yes, it is,

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