Term Reading Test

Додано: 16 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 32 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Term Reading Test ( the 5th form)


Chubby - круглолиці

wardrobe – шафа

tidy up - прибрати

1.   Read the text and choose the correct line for 1- 4 gaps:


This is Mary. She’s eleven. She’s got long brown hair and brown eyes. Her ears 1 ___(is/ am/are) small and her cheeks are chubby.

She 2____( get/ getting/gets) up at 7 o’clock in the morning, has a shower, gets dressed and has breakfast. She usually has a toast and coffee. She 3___( don’t/ does/doesn’t) like cheese. Then the girl goes to school. It’s far from her house so she travels by bus. She has lunch at school with her friends. They sometimes have pizza and milkshake. After the lessons they play in the park and they like flying a kite. Mary 4___( go/ gos/goes) home at 5pm. She has dinner with her mother and father. Her mother likes cooking! Mary goes to bed at 10pm.

варіанти відповідей

1- are; 2- gets; 3 - doesn't ; 4- goes

1 - is; 2- get; 3- don't ; 4- gos

1- am; 2- getting; 3- does; 4- go

Запитання 2

1.   Read the text and choose the correct line for 5-8 gaps:


Chubby - круглолиці

wardrobe – шафа

tidy up - прибрати

.....Mary lives in the city. There is a swimming pool 5____(next to/ in/ between) her house and the cinema. There are lots of shops and supermarkets in her street. There is a café 6___( under/ next to/ between) her house and Mary goes there at the weekend with her family.

There is a market in front of her house. There are a lot of fruit. She likes eating watermelons and mangoes but she doesn’t like grapes. She likes vegetables.

Now the girl is in her bedroom. It’s big. There are two windows, there is a wardrobe in the room and there is her desk next to the window. There is a chair next to her desk. Now her room is a mess! There are her jeans 7____(on/in/ in front of) the floor and there is one sock on the sofa and one sock on the lamp. Her mother is angry. She says: You can’t go to the park, please tidy up your room! Put those jeans 8___(on/in behind) the wardrobe and find the socks!

Mary likes doing athletics and playing table tennis. Going swimming is fun! But she doesn’t like playing basketball. She is very short!

варіанти відповідей

5- between ; 6- next to ; 7- on; 8- in

5- next to; 6- between; 7- in; 8- behind

5 - in ; 6- under; 7- in front of; 8- on

Запитання 3

   Choose YES , NO, ? :

1.     Mary has got short brown hair.      

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Запитання 4

     Choose YES , NO, ? :

The children don’t have lunch every day.


варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

  Choose YES , NO, ? :

There is one sock under the sofa.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

Choose YES , NO, ?:

She likes swimming.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

 Choose the right answer:

    The girl gets up at

варіанти відповідей

 eight o’clock   

seven o’clock  

nine o’clock

Запитання 8

   Choose the right answer:

  She goes to school by

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 9

   Choose the right answer:

  There is a … next to her house.

варіанти відповідей



swimming pool

Запитання 10

  Choose the right answer:

 Mary doesn’t like eating

варіанти відповідей




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