Test 11

Додано: 23 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 70 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

1     Read the texts. Match the sentences with the correct person A–D. There is one person you need to use twice.


There are many people who are pro-GM food, mainly because producing it has so many advantages, such as disease resistance, cold tolerance and higher nutritional value than non-GM foods. But I have my reservations and concerns, and I am not the only one. If you research GM foods, you will find that there are thousands of environmental activists, religious groups, scientists and even government officials who criticise it. I think we all believe in changing a situation where private companies want to make as much profit as possible and do not care enough about the potential dangers of GM food. Very few conclusive studies have been done on the possible side effects of GM food on human health – they simply haven’t been around long enough to be sure. That is the main reason why I try to buy as little GM food as possible.


When I go shopping, I try to buy mostly organic food, and I regularly buy food such as fruit, vegetables and free-range eggs and milk directly from farmers. I am on a low-carb diet, so I have to eat a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables. I never buy white bread; I only eat wholemeal bread and pasta. I always try to avoid dishes which are too sugary or salty. I believe I eat the right number of calories per day, which is easier when I leave out greasy foods like burgers and chips, or drinks that contain vast amounts of sugar, such as cola or lemonade. So overall, I think I eat a healthy, balanced diet. My cholesterol levels are certainly what they should be, if that is a reliable indication of my state of health.


When the weather gets cold, I start craving more stodgy food than in the summer months. So I start buying more of it and eating more of it, and then I end up putting on weight. I'm not sure how to change this, as my cravings for unhealthy food are just uncontrollable. I wonder if it’s natural for everyone during winter. Perhaps I need to see a food specialist to recommend a diet that would help overcome my cravings – otherwise my weight gain might become a serious health problem.


In my family, we've never bought anything but organic food. We do so due to our belief that organic food is more sustainable and natural, and shows more concern for the welfare of animals. I personally couldn't eat any meat, poultry, eggs or dairy foods that came from animals that were fed with lots of antibiotics or any other unnatural additives. I also try to buy food from local farm shops which are government-certified. One of the most important aspects of organic food is the fact that the farmers producing organic food must use sustainable farming methods, which help to preserve the health of our soil and water for future generations.

    ____ doesn't eat fast food as it is too fatty and sugary.

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Запитання 2

eats heavy food because he or she has a strong desire for it.

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Запитання 3

     ____ chooses not to consume food that contains added artificial substances.

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Запитання 4

    ____ does not buy certain foods due to lack of reliable research on how they might negatively affect us.

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Запитання 5

    ____ is on a special diet that requires them to eat plenty of fresh produce.

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