Test 11a

Додано: 19 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 40 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

CAR PARK. We offer 30 minutes of free parking in the green zone to everyone.If a vehicle without a parking sticker remains in the car park for longer, it will be removed and a 70 pound parking fine will apply.Drivers who have bought a parking sticker may park in all zones for as long as they want.

варіанти відповідей

You must have a sticker to park for free in the green zone for 30 minutes.

Drivers who have bought a sticker can park in any zone they want.

Free parking in the green zone is only available to drivers without stickers

Запитання 2

PUDDING RECIPE. In a saucepan, mix sugar,cocoa and flour.Gradually stir in milk until smooth.Let the mixture boil over a low heat.Stir continuously for two minutes or until it gets thicker.Remove from the heat and stir in some vanilla.Pour into two bowls.Cover and refrigerate until chilled. This recipe is enough for two people.

варіанти відповідей

The milk must be added quickly to the sugar and cocoa mixture.

The vanilla must be added after the mixture has boiled for two minutes.

The dessert must be eaten immediately.

Запитання 3

FLYING FROM LONDON TODAY? Volcanic activity from Iceland has resulted in a cloud moving across the UK. As a result of this, some morning flights have been cancelled, and we expect that most of today's flights will be delayed. You are advised to contact your airline for more information before you travel to the airport.

варіанти відповідей

Today's morning flights from the UK to Iceland have been cancelled.

Passengers flying from London today must contact their airline before their flight.

There will be no flights today because of the volcanic activity.

Запитання 4

Tom, how are you doing? I just wanted to give you the conference date, as promised. It's the22nd, and we will have to use public transport to get there, as my dad will need the car. John.

варіанти відповідей

John's father will attend the conference.

John will borrow his dad's car to drive to the conference.

John won't be able to drive to the conference.

Запитання 5

COME AND SEE SANTA! St. Andrew's Primary School Christmas Bazaar on Thursday,6 December( 3p.m.- 8 p.m.) Christmas games* Homemade cakes *Glitter tattoos * Raffle Entrance:1 pound adults(includes one drink and a mince pie). Free entrance for children under 12. Gift bags for everyone. All profits go to Seaview Childre's Home.

варіанти відповідей

The money raised will be given to St. Andrew's Primary School.

All adults must bring drinks and mince pie.

Everyone will receive a present.

Запитання 6

SUSAN,You still haven't said if you are coming for dinner on my bitthday.The restaurant says I need to confirm the number by tomorrow.Everyone else has replied exept you. Could you please call me tonight and let me know?Also, since some of my friends are vegetarians like you, I have made sure there will be lots of non-meat options. Carol. CAROL IS WRITING TO.......

варіанти відповідей

tell Susan she is planning a dinner on her birthday

confirm that there are some foods Susan does not eat

remind Susan that she has to reply to her invitation

Запитання 7

We are looking for a secretary for our clinic in the town center. Applicants must be university graduates with good computer skills and fluent in English and French. You will be required to work afternoon hours, from Monday to Saturday.Send your CV to:bromelydentists@gustr.com THE APPLICANTS

варіанти відповідей

do not need any qualifications

will be taught how to use computers

will be given one day off a week

Запитання 8

THE ENERGY SHOW. Learn the story of the scientist whose evil boss wants to steal his discovery: a new way to produce energy! The entertaining show will get kids excited about science, as they are invited to take part in the experiments. Join the fantastic event,open to parents,science teachers and anyone over the age of seven. THE ADVERTISEMENT PROVIDES INFORMATION ABOUT.....

варіанти відповідей

the basic plot of the show

the venue where the show takes place

how many experiments are carried out

Запитання 9

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to complain about a smartphone which I bought from your shop on Bree Street last week.The phone,the latest Black757 model,stopped working properly five days after I started using it. In specific, the battery dies after using the phone for under an hour and the screen freezes.I therefore demand a full refund. Yours faithfully, Jean Mornes. WHAT IS TRUE ABOUT THE PHONE THAT JEAN BOUGHT?

варіанти відповідей

It has been on the market for a long time.

It was not working when she first used it.

Its battery lasts very little time.

Запитання 10

REBUILD NEW ORLEANS. We are non-profit organisation,based in the heart of New Orleans,working to assist communities affected by natural disasters. Our aim is to help residents return home, improve their quality of life and strenghten their communities.We do this with the help of volunteers,who assist home owners to rebuild their homes and communities.We are looking for more people we can train to help us in our project. For more information contact James Lark,project manager:jameslark@jourrapide.com

варіанти відповідей

The organisation welcomes inexperienced volunteers

If you are interested in more about the project,you should call James Lark

The organisation gives people money to rebuild their homes

Запитання 11

MEDITATION. Suffering from stress?Are your troubles affecting your concentration skills?Our meditation classes will help you have a richer and deeper experience of life.You will develop calmness and peace of mind and reduce any feeling of stress.Meditation is the answer to the hustle and bustle of modern life.Join now!

варіанти відповідей

Joining the meditation classes will help you gain more money.

Meditation can help those who have a very busy life.

Only people who have concentration skills can join this class.

Запитання 12

Terry, You asked me how I got into pavement art. I first saw it in France. A woman was walking down the street with a lion on a lead, like she was walking the dog. When I got closer, I realised the lion was in fact drawn on the ground. That's when I decided that pavement art was what I wanted to do. After a while, through trial and error,I knew I had finally got it right when a young man jumped over a hole I had painted on the ground. Jack.

варіанти відповідей

Jack thought that the woman was walking a dog.

Jack experimented for a while before achieving the desired result.

Jack realised that the young man almost fell into the hole.

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