Choose the odd word:
Choose the odd word:
Choose the odd word:
Choose the odd word:
Choose the odd word:
Choose the odd word:
Choose the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Find the odd word:
Fill in the gap:
Check the containers _____ any damage.
Fill in the gap:
The ratings' messroom is _____ the second deck.
Fill in the gap:
Are the dangerous goods _____ fire?
Fill in the gap:
Is there a doctor _____ board?
Fill in the gap:
You are running _____ danger.
Fill in the gap:
The cargo is loaded _____ cranes.
Fill in the gap:
Pilotage suspended ___ all vessels.
Fill in the gap:
The pilot will board you ___ 10 minutes.
Fill in the gap:
I am ___ anchor.
Fill in the gap:
Slack ____ the line.
Answer the question:
Who is responsible for the safety of the ship, the crew, the cargo during the pilotage?
Answer the question:
Who usually meets the pilot at the ladder?
Choose the right answer:
What must captains indicate when requesting pilots by?
Choose the right answer:
What does the flag “G” mean?
Choose the right answer:
What flag should a vessel display when she requires pilot in daylight?
Fill in the gap:
By air draft is understood the distance from the waterline to the _______.
Fill in the gap:
In shallow water the vessel's __________ is an important factor to obtain a clearance to proceed.
Answer the question:
What does the flag "I" mean?
Answer the question:
What flag has the meaning "My vessel is healthy and request free pratique"?
Answer the question:
What type of fire extinguisher must we use for extinguishing electric fire?
Answer the question:
What type of fire extinguisher must we use for extinguishing Class "C" Fires?
Answer the question:
What elements must be present to start the fire?
Answer the question:
How many classes of dangerous cargoes do you know?
What measures air temperature?
What measures air pressure?
Choose the correct answer:
A tide is a _____ rise and fall of sea level.
Choose the correct answer:
Tides are created by the ____.
Answer the question:
What type of ship is used for transporting grain cargoes?
Answer the question:
What type of ship is used for transporting ores?
What is shown in picture?
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